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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 11:19 PM


First Published in 1994


ATLANTA -- The National Black Pro-Life Coalition recently announced that they filed a racial discrimination claim with the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services against Planned Parenthood, asserting they have been targeting Black women and babies for nearly half a century.

On July 20, 2020, Planned Parenthood of New York stated they "acknowledge Planned Parenthood's contributions to historical reproductive harm within communities of color." It is that historical harm that the National Black Pro-Life Coalition believes has contributed to the adverse impact Black women and their babies have faced at the hands of abortionists.

"Planned Parenthood is acknowledging they have caused harm since they were established. Acknowledgement is good and yet, repentance is better. Get out of our neighborhoods, shut down, because the acknowledgment is too little too late," said Lori Hoye of Issues4Life Foundation. "Over 104 years of targeting Black and other women of color cannot be erased by the present-day acknowledgment of their racist roots. Get out now!"

Planned Parenthood affiliate after affiliate acknowledged participating in a systemically racist environment. One said, "We are owning our organization's history and are committed to addressing the implicit bias and structural racism within our organization and communities." Another explained, "We also recognize that we cannot address structural racism or white supremacy in this country and communities without addressing our own." More and more of the affiliates made confessions of racist behavior, but none offered concrete steps they would take to end it.

Angela Minter of Kentucky-based Sisters for Life urges Health and Human Services to quickly determine the impact Planned Parenthood has had on the Black community. "The cry for justice for Blacks killed by Caucasian police officers is loud and long. Yet, the cry for justice for the babies and women killed in Planned Parenthood facilities are suppressed. Kamala Harris and other elected officials who stand with the families of those killed by police would do well to reject the dollars from Planned Parenthood's confers and stand with the families hurt by the organization's "historical reproductive harm."

"Where can members of the Black community turn for justice to end systemic racism if not to the entities funding it?" said Connie Eller of Missouri Blacks for Life. "Planned Parenthood receives more than a half billion dollars annually from our government. They have used that money to carry out their eugenic scheme of population control and it is time for it to stop."

The tangled, vicious and deceptive web Planned Parenthood has deeply embedded in the fabric of the Black community must be torn down now if Blacks are truly to experience a great America. The National Black Pro-Life Coalition prays HHS will move swiftly to end the targeting. More than 20,000,000 Black lives lost is enough.


About the National Black Pro-Life Coalition
The National Pro-Life Coalition is a network of Pro-Life and Pro-Family organizations that embrace the biblical model. For more information about the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, go to: 