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Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 01:50 AM


First Published in 1994


PunditDomain.com The 'New' Alternative Conservative Social Media Network

SAN DIEGO, May 7, 2021 -- is a Free Conservative Social Media Network developed with the Foremost Public and Private Social Networking Platform, SSL security, privacy with attributes like 'Facebook,' 'Twitter,' and 'Telegram.' Members can create their own private domain with rich text, photos and videos. Small business and eCommerce are welcome. Frustrated and fed-up 'Facebook' and 'Twitter' members can easily migrate to punditdomain.com.

PunditDomain.com is your virtual community-neighborhood and home without an HOA (Home Owners Association fee,)¬ No Rent, Mortgage or Maintenance Cost. Registration is not required to read Registered Member's 'public posts' or watch videos released on the punditdomain.com 'Public' home page; however, you will need to Register to comment and view 'Members Only' posts.

PunditDomain.com wants to enable and empower everyone to create their own domain with the foremost social interactive tools and widgets to express themselves and communicate with 'Freedom of Speech,' and with a heart and gratitude for America and 'God-Given Values.'

PUNDITDOMAIN.COM MEMBERS CAN CREATE THEIR OWN SOCIAL NETWORK DOMAIN WITH PRIVATE DASHBOARD, WIDGETS, and with the ability to Post Opinions, Comments, Photos, Videos and CHAT with online members in real-time. Accessible on your computer, iPhone or other devices.

We believe in Privacy; You should have meaningful control over the information you provide and the content you post on your personal domain. Please Read the User Guide, Terms and Privacy. Register Today.

View Interesting Blogs, Articles and Quotes. Examples:

"Are We At War?" "What Is Operation Mockingbird?" "Are These Like The Days of Noah and Lot?" "Two Great Qualities..." "The Act of 1871 - Washington, DC is a foreign entity." "THE CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC."

View news, movie recommendations, video clips and much more! Enjoy!

Better yet - Start Your Own Discourse! Explore PunditDomain.com menus! Registration is Free. Join Now.

Beware; SSL Encryption, Spam and Malicious IP address widget filters are active, and automatically report to the proper authorities and lists.

"But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase." - Dan. 12:4


SOURCE PunditDomain.com