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Thursday, July 18, 2024 - 01:51 AM


First Published in 1994


Nick Jr’s “Blue’s Clues” released a video to their YouTube Channel called the “Blue’s Clues Pride Parade Sing-Along.” The video is led by an animated version of drag queen Nina West singing an anthem to the melody of “The Ants Go Marching.” The video features different types of “inclusive” families like gay couples with children and uses terms like “trans” and “queer.” It’s certainly a blow to parents looking to screen their children from this twisted indoctrination. Nickelodeon seems to believe that they, not parents, should teach their children a fundamental lesson about life: what a family looks like.

Sadly, parents and advocates resisting this blatant indoctrination are often faced with hatred and extremism from LGBTQ advocates. If we don’t celebrate, and more importantly affirm, these lifestyles, we are shamed as bad parents and bigoted individuals. It’s no longer acceptable to teach your children the truth and instead mainstream media and schools have taken it upon themselves to teach our kids the proper “values.” 

That’s why we talked with Erin Brewer, a former trans kid, about the harmful celebration Pride Month has turned into. She provides invaluable wisdom and advice in navigating a world that is hostile to parents desiring to teach their kids that LGBTQ ideology is wrong. Throughout the past five years, Erin experienced extreme bullying and harassment, yet she continues to fight for the truth. We hope this episode encourages you to do the same!

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