TREMPEALEAU, Wis. -- A new prolife organization is stepping forward to combat the ever-growing use of aborted fetal material in research, development, testing and production of vaccines, medicines and other consumer products.
The organization, appropriately named "Taking Recourse," was founded by long-time prolife leader Yvonne Bontkowski in faithful response to the 2005 Pontifical Academy for Life document which stated:
"Therefore, doctors and fathers of families have a duty to take recourse to alternative vaccines (if they exist), putting pressure on the political authorities and health systems so that other vaccines without moral problems become available. They should take recourse, if necessary, to the use of conscientious objection with regard to the use of vaccines produced by means of cell lines of aborted human fetal origin.
"The admonition from the Vatican is crystal clear," stated Mrs. Bontkowski. "I felt compelled to do what the Church is asking from all of us - which is ending the horrific exploitation of the remains of innocent aborted babies and demand moral alternatives from the pharmaceutical industry."
One of the biggest myths on this issue was that "it was only two abortions from a long time ago." So, when Yvonne began working alongside Debi Vinnedge, the recently retired founder of Children of God for Life, they would soon discover hundreds, if not thousands of abortions were actually involved. Just one example was the rubella vaccine which is part of the MMR given to infants and toddlers. That vaccine's history would uncover at least 99 abortions involved – not just 2.
"After discovering the truth and taking this to prayer, I knew something had to be done," she stated. "This issue has been burned into my heart and soul and now with Covid-19 vaccines in development, people are rightfully demanding to know the truth!"
Joining Mrs. Bontkowski on the organization's Board of Directors are the following prolife leaders:
Amanda Miller, Director of Marketing & Communications
Michelle VerBurg, Director of Advancement
Fr. Michael Copenhagen, Spiritual Director
Arina Grossu, Consulting Director
Debi Vinnedge, Advisory Board Member
The organization's website has several articles and important links and will continue to provide much needed updates as new information becomes available. For more information, visit their website and sign up to receive future news updates.
SOURCE Taking Recourse