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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 03:27 PM


First Published in 1994


Home for Christmas with Wisdom in Living Life Ministries


Winn Freeman and his volunteer staff at Wisdom in Living Life Ministries held their Christmas Banquet at Renfrew Baptist Church Family Life Center.

Each year the ministry brings back former students to tell their stories of how Jesus Christ, through Wisdom in Living Life Ministries saved them from death or life in prison as a drug or alcohol addicted individual who became a criminal to support the addiction.

Friends of the ministry invited guests to experience the life changing program that was part of the banquet. Mere words cannot adequately describe the powerful personal stories by individuals who have been drug free for three, four, five years or more. They are now productive citizens with families actively spreading the good news that “Freedom is not found in a program, it is found in a person and His name is Jesus.”

Freeman---Winn-CashionThe after dinner program was built around the “Four Corners” of the ministry.

Help for Individuals: “At Wisdom in Living Life Ministry, we don’t trust ‘show you how to get clean and sober,’ we teach you how to live!

Freeman---Sean---PC083591This part of the presentation featured testimonials by individuals who had been taught how to live drug and alcohol free and were teaching others to do the same.

Hope for Families: “Drug addiction affects the whole family. Wisdom in Living Life Ministry offers hope in finally finding a solution.”

Several success stories were presented that began with a family member helping a desperate relative who had tried every government and private secular program they could find and were still hopelessly addicted. The comments by Farina’s mother will touch your heart and bring tears of joy to your eyes.

Freeman---Rick-Hammett---Ted-CocranServing the Church: “Wisdom in Living Life Ministry serves as a resource for pastors assisting church members. We address the sin problem, and train from a Biblical perspective.”

The ministry is available to give presentations on their success in solving problems of addiction in churches when invited. The pastor of one such church spoke briefly at the banquet.

Support for Communities: “Wisdom in Living Life Ministry is driven to improve the quality of life for you, your family, your neighborhood and the business community.”

Employee addiction costs local businesses millions of dollars each year and leads to criminal activity to support the habit that fills our courts and jails. Law enforcement has documented the fact that a large majority of criminal activity is drug or alcohol related.

For additional information and scheduled events, call Winn Freeman,  “The Drug Guy” at (864) 834-9800 Ext. 104 or go to web-site at www.youraddictionendshere.com “Where Addiction Ends and Life Begins.”



