- Silent Night in the trenches -Celtic Thunder - 'Christmas 1915
- Either You Own Property, or You Are Property
- We Need to Talk about Forever Chemicals
- Run Toward the Battle
- Defend the Border and our Nation
- The US Armed Forces Needs A "General Marshall Action" To Reform The Military's Leadership Selection System — Before It's Too Late
- Paris Mountain Hotel Developer Wants to Circumvent Greenville County’s Land Use Protection Laws
- Benton Blount Announces Candidacy for Chairman of Greenville County Council
- Greenville County Council Ushers in a New Era of Conservative Leadership
- Has the Bethlehem Star Mystery Been Unveiled?
- Greenville’s Role in 2024’s U.S. Migration
- Nice hotel, but the Wrong Place and the Wrong Way of Doing Things
- Trump and Musk Are Right: Legal Immigrants a Boon to US Economy
- The High Costs of Ignoring God
- Negotiating the End and Terms of the Ukraine War
Thaddeus Sammons, A Christian Gentleman with Many Talents
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- By Press Release
Thaddeus Edward Sammons, Jr., 88, of Taylors, husband of Racheal Lollis Sammons for 64 years, joyfully entered into his long-awaited heavenly home to be forever with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 29, 2012, following an extended illness. Mr. Sammons loved the Lord first and made it his life’s mission to win as many people to Christ as he could. He was very successful in this ministry, enthusiastically sharing the Gospel with family, friends, and strangers wherever he went. With his winsome personality and genuine compassion for people, he seldom ever missed an opportunity to be a witness. He was an ordained deacon and long-time member of Mountain Creek (Greenville) and Cresthill (Savannah) Baptist Churches and later a member of Pelham Road Alliance Church and currently, of Milford Baptist Church.
The Leap Year Triplets
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- By Press Release
Triplets, Harris, Elizabeth, and Andrew Rowe will have a special birthday on Wednesday, February 29, a Leap Year birthday! Born on February 29, 2004 at MUSC in Charleston, SC, these spontaneous triplets are very rare. The odds of being born on Leap Day are 1 in 1,461 and the odds of being a spontaneous triplet is 1 in 8,100 births. Therefore, the odds of being a spontaneous triplet born naturally (not via C-section) on Leap Year are virtually non-existent; the Rowe triplets may be the only set in the world. Born full-term at 37.5 weeks after an uncomplicated pregnancy, the healthy triplets at almost 17 pounds collectively went home after 2 days of "rooming" in with mom and dad, Jeff and Kelly Rowe formerly of Mt. Pleasant now livng in the upstate of SC. They continue to be active 8 year olds, home-schooled, and involved in sports, cub scouts, church, and their large family of nine.
James F. Keasler, Sr. Business Executive, Christian Educator, Persistent Friend of Taxpayers
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- By Press Release
Jim Keasler went to his eternal home Monday, February 27, 2012. A celebration of life was held at Brushy Creek Baptist Church in Taylors on Thursday. He is survived by his beloved wife Pat of 25 years and 3 children and 2 stepchildren.
Jim was born January 23, 1932, graduated from Inman High School in 1950 where he played football and was president of his senior class. He graduated from Spartanburg Junior College and received a degree in business from the University of South Carolina in 1958 after serving a tour in the United States Air Force as a volunteer in the Air Force Cadet Program.
Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Shakeup
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Executive Director Replaced after Closed Door Meeting of Board
The Greenville County Disabilities and Special Needs Agency Executive Director has been replaced following an Executive Session of the Board of Directors and a very brief public vote without discussion, according to attendees present at the public meeting. Three members of Greenville County Council were outside the door and entered the board room with others as soon as the door was opened, but heard nothing other than a motion to adjourn.
Scouting for Food Campaign
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- By Henry Pickard
The number of young boys from Boy Scout Troop 107 in Taylors, SC, just about matched the number of degrees the thermometer registered. It was in the low 20s Sunday morning and the pavement in front of Taylors First Baptist Church were cold and unforgiving. But the boys were there, in full uniform, and smiling! It was the second part of Scouting for Food Campaign, an annual event by Scout Troops around the country that provides a collection of non-perishable food stuffs for distribution to families in need. The Scouts met church-goers as they made their way to the building with plastic and paper bags holding food. They were all smiles as the Scouts approached them, and cheerfully asked, “May I take that for you sir or ma’am?” It was genuine American generosity with a helping “Doing a Good Deed” on the side.
CWP Classes Overflowing as Firearm, Ammo Sales Increase
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
Uncertainty, Fear of Criminal and Gang Activity Spur Self-Defense Training
The six o’clock news is saturated with gruesome stories of murders, home invasions, rape of young women, car-jackings, robberies and scams designed to take advantage of vulnerable senior citizens living alone.
The liberal media and school officials are mostly silent on the fact that no less than 135 gangs, including some of the most dangerous in the world are operating in the upstate cities of Spartanburg, Greenville and Anderson, but informed citizens know the danger and are very concerned.
Young Drug Addict Finds Wisdom in Living Life
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- By Bob Dill, Publisher
A Love Story
The miraculous true love story that follows is that of two young people whose lives were changed when Cliff dialed a wrong number. It is also the story of a loving mother who sought help from the source of all wisdom and power. Finally, it is the story of how a group of former alcoholics and drug addicts, who are now new creatures in Christ, have used the Holy Scriptures to tap into the source of all wisdom and power and allow the love of Jesus to transform the lives of the most hopeless alcoholics and drug addicts.
Working together, with obvious divine guidance, they all contribute to the current happiness and joy of Christina and Cliff.
- Substance Abuse and Addiction Are Costing Greenville County
- Freedom from Addiction is found in a Person, Not a Program
- Santa Comes to Allen Arms Indoor Range and Gun Shop
- Citizens Found Town Meeting For Seniors “Very Informative”
- Probate Judge Announces Town Hall Meeting for Senior Citizens
- Somebody Has to Go!
- Council Honors Linda Moody for Heroics