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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:24 AM


First Published in 1994



GREENVILLE, SC  – Greenville County Schools Superintendent W. Burke Royster announced the selection of Anne Kelsey-Zibert, a social studies teacher at Northwest Middle School, the 2013-14 Greenville County Teacher of the Year. Three runners-up were also named.

While studying history at Princeton University, it became clear to Northwest Middle School history teacher Anne Kelsey-Zibert that the best way to combine her love of history and government with her gift of helping others learn was to become a classroom teacher.  “The more I understood what it meant to be a teacher and help students grow as individuals, the more I knew I wanted to dedicate my life to teaching,” said Mrs. Zibert.

In her seventh grade classroom, she uses teaching methods that help history come alive.  “My students conducted a mock trail of Thomas Jefferson, and they’ve had assignments such as writing home as a factory worker in the 1800s and writing an oral history of a family member or neighbor,” she explained. “I want my students to feel connected to the history they are learning and understand that the past shaped the world they live in, and that history is relevant to their lives,” she said.

This National Board Certified teacher takes pride in creating a classroom environment where students understand what is expected of them, where they feel comfortable answering questions and collaborating with classmates, and where they know they are valued.

She constantly discovers new teaching methods and seeks new ways to engage students. “I am never content to simply use last year’s lesson plan without a great deal of rethinking and improving.  I frequently spend time in educational workshops, read blogs and articles about teaching strategies, and reflect on what I can improve about my teaching methods,” she said.

As a former Teacher Cadet, Mrs. Zibert’s dedication to the teaching profession goes well beyond day-to-day teaching. “I spend significant time during my planning period and after school calling parents, talking to others at my school that might be able to help a struggling student, and providing one-on-one tutoring to help a student learn. I use teaching strategies such as simulations or creative writing that helps students get excited about history,” she said.

Mrs. Zibert has conducted history workshops for her peers at the local, state and national levels.  She was selected to participate in the National Endowment for the Humanities Landmarks in American History Summer Workshop as well as a two-week study in Germany as part of the Transatlantic Outreach Program.

“I have learned about history while visiting the courtroom where the Nuremburg Trials took place, the house in Potsdam where the Allies settled the terms of World War II, and boarding houses where workers’ lives were transformed by the Industrial Revolution,” said Zibert.

In addition to teaching history, Mrs. Zibert has served her school and community as a soccer coach. She started a German club that exposes students to German culture, language, and food, and encourages students to become pen pals with German students.

Mrs. Zibert pays tribute to Princeton University by serving as an alumna interviewer. “I have the opportunity to meet incredible students, learn about their accomplishments, and help serve my alma mater,” she said.