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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:12 PM


First Published in 1994


Christian Learning Centers  student praying.
Christian Learning Centers student praying.

Christian Learning Centers of Greenville (CLC) proudly announces the first-time development of online accredited Bible courses for public high school students in Greenville County. The Greenville County School District approved the organization’s Bible courses for high school credit in February of 2007.  Since then, interested high students participate in the courses off school campus with parental consent.  As required, the organization also (1) meets South Carolina school instructional standards, (2) hires certified high school teachers who do not work for the school district to teach the courses and (3) uses no state funds to render the courses. 

The organization has provided its accredited high school courses for hundreds of high school students.  However, in its quest to serve more students and reduce costs, the CLC Board of Directors decided to pursue plans to offer the same courses (Bible 101 – “Why and How to Study the Bible” and Bible 102 – “What is Truth?”) through an online platform.  Once the initial phase of the online course is launched and mastered, the organization plans to offer a dual credit Bible course for high school students.

“We are grateful for the assistance we are receiving from local educational experts to develop our courses.  We are also grateful for the accommodation of our efforts by the Greenville County School District and for the financial support we receive from the Greenville County Christian community,” says Kevin Brady, CLC Board Member. “The CLC board of directors and staff will spend a great deal of time in the next few months working out the details of the course offerings.”

Brady announced the exciting news about the online course offering at the CLC Annual Friends and Fundraising Banquet on April 24, 2018. Karen Abercrombie, lead actress of the popular movie, War Room served as the guest speaker for the event.  More than 700 attendees enthusiastically received Mrs. Abercrombie at the event held at the TD Convention Center.  She complimented the group for supporting the work of Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County 21 years.  The work impacts thousands of lives each year.  

Christian Learning Centers of Greenville County exists to provide Biblical instruction for school-aged children as an opportunity to encourage them to embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ, grow in the Christian faith, and apply Biblical principles for living. The Released-Time Christian Education program allows students (with parental consent) to receive Biblical instruction during the school day in an off-school campus classroom during a related arts class period. Middle school students attend Released-Time Bible class during one related arts class period per week.  High school students participate in the accredited Bible course as an elective and receive a Carnegie Unit for each Bible course successfully completed.