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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 10:15 AM


First Published in 1994


Leading Change webstory 2

Tigerville, SC – North Greenville University’s Leadership and Professional Development Department is offering a Leading Change MasterSummit this fall.   On November 13, experts Kenneth Fields and Johannes Mutzke will lead a full-day seminar on leading change for your organization.

Fields and Mutzke have extensive experience and expertise in implementing and overseeing organizational change for various companies-from family-owned businesses to Global 500 companies.  This hands-on workshop takes an interactive approach.  Fields and Mutzke utilize frequent breakout sessions giving them the opportunity to provide hands-on coaching to leadership teams. During the sessions, the teams will learn a process that provides a clear and disciplined roadmap for implementing change within their organization and gain some very practical tools that help increase traction for the initiative.

Participants are encouraged to bring their change initiatives and leadership teams.  Registering the leaders involved in your change initiative will maximize the value of this seminar to your organization.

“We are excited to bring these industry stalwarts onto campus to assist organizations going through change.  The interactive approach to this seminar should enable C-Suite executives to overcome hurdles and jumpstart their own change initiatives,” states Dr. Jill Rayburn, NGU’s director of academic engagement and outreach.  Rayburn goes on to state, “This seminar is also a great way to earn six professional development units to maintain your Project Management Professional (PMP) or Certified Change Management Professional (CCMP) certification.”

The seminar will run from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and lunch will be included in the registration cost. Enrollment for this event is limited.  Special pricing is available for companies that register three or more participants.

For more information or to register for any of NGU’s fall Professional Development Seminars, please visit https://www.ngu.edu/professionalseries.