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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 08:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Brea-Olinda School District Fails to Comply with Open Records Act

BREA, Calif. -- After submitting an open records request, Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) has discovered that the Brea Olinda School District has included in their "comprehensive sexual education" curriculum the positive portrayal and teaching of pederasty; the act of adult sex with boys. However, the information on pederasty was withheld from district's response to the formal request. The public wants to know what else are districts hiding?

"Parents need to be on alert and should be outraged that Brea-Olinda school district saw no problem teaching about adult sex with boys and hiding it from the public," said Karen England, executive director for CRI. "Under the guise of providing so-called 'appropriate sex education' to children, many school districts are beginning to incorporate some of the most offensive, absurd, graphic and inappropriate sex acts to some of the youngest students."

On June 13, 2018, CRI submitted an official records request to Brea-Olinda School District for copies of all curriculum and supplemental materials used to comply with the newly enacted California Healthy Youth Act. A month later, on July 19, 2018, Assistant Superintendent Kerrie Torres responded with 103 pages of documentation reflecting 10 detailed sections on sexual health and education. But it was discovered that what the district submitted to CRI was not the entirety of the curriculum. Last Fall, CRI was informed by a concerned parent, who's child is in the district, about a section marked "4.8" and titled, "Introduction to Sexual Orientation." CRI learned that this part of the teachings was withheld and not included in the 103 pages provided to CRI by district.

It is in this section that the tistrict includes the positive portrayal of the sexual act pederasty. Assistant Superintendent Torres confirmed that pederasty would be taught to children in their district. She claimed it would be taught in some "historical perspective" and justified it by saying such sex acts were included in ancient Roman history as demonstrated in Homer's poems and writings in "The Iliad and the Odyssey." 

It was only after CRI alerted its members and supporters of pederasty's inclusion in sex ed teachings, that the district pulled its inclusion in their sex education curriculum. "The use of the word has been perceived by some to be promoting pedophilia; therefore the word will be removed from the curriculum," the district wrote.

What is alarming in this statement is the fact that district officials still do not see pederasty as an inappropriate sexual encounter to be teaching to young boys and girls.

"Pederasty is pedophilia. Sexual acts with children are illegal," England added. "There is no proper 'historical' way to present sex with boys in a positive light. In recent educational materials being given to teachers, pederasty is being positively viewed as a grown man making a 'young free boy his partner and become his mentor.'

"The fact that this school district attempted to hide this controversial and offensive teaching from us should be criminal. This is just one school district out of hundreds in California implementing newly devised 'comprehensive sexual education' in all schools even as young as kindergarten. How many others are hiding curriculum content from parents and others just like Brea-Olinda did? If districts truly see no harm in the material they are teaching then they should have no problem making every aspect of their curriculum available to parents."

England stated that Capitol Resource Institute is embarking on a statewide effort to request the full curriculum contents and all materials used by each school district in the state to ensure they are not promoting offensive and inappropriate sexual acts to young children. Several districts have already been contacted and several others are in the process of receiving open records requests. CRI is also urging parents to demand copies of comprehensive sexual education curriculum and materials used in their child's school.

We are going to make every school board member, every school superintendent and every school administrative official be accountable to the parents and voters they serve. We will expose anyone attempting to push a sexually perverse teaching on any child without parental knowledge," England concluded.

Pederasty -for latest updates follow us on FB https://www.facebook.com/capitolresourceinstitute/

Read: Brea-Olinda lesson 4.8

SOURCE Capitol Resource Institute