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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 04:21 AM


First Published in 1994


USPIE Florida Citizens Alliance

USPIE would like to give a shout out to our friends in Florida, Florida Citizens’ Alliance, who are working hard to help end government takeover of local education. Florida Citizens’ Alliance, Inc. (FLCA) is a 501c (3) grassroots organization working to educate parents, families, and community influencers regarding current activities of great concern in Florida public schools.

These efforts include pursuing legislative policies that promote universal school choice, supporting knowledge-based learning, encouraging the best K-12 standards and curriculum, stopping political, religious and pornographic indoctrination, and encouraging financial transparency/best practices to improve student learning. FLCA now has over 100 grassroots teams and leaders actively supporting what they are doing and 50,000 + people in their active database.

Curing Common Core

Florida citizens have all been fighting the flawed Common Core standards for years. Thanks to Gov. DeSantis, Florida has Executive Order 19-32 which gives Commissioner Corcoran until Jan 2020 to complete. But what does it mean to get rid of Common Core and most importantly what replaces it? Listen to this EVOLVING  Curing Common Core Podcast series. You will hear experts like Dr. Sandra Stotsky, creator of the Massachusetts Miracle; Dr Lawrence Gray from Minnesota, creator of pre-Common Core math standards that now have 11 years of stellar results; Dr Karen Effrem, expert on the evils of Social Emotional Learning; Dr Mark Bauerlein, ELA expert, and Dr Heidi Maier, Superintendent Marion County. FLCA reports there will be more to follow including Commissioner Corcoran and key legislators as the process of getting Legislative approval takes shape starting in November.

Back to School Reading list

Commissioner Corcoran Releases New Back-to-School Reading List

This is really, really huge. Scroll down thru the list in the link below and remember it replaces the Sunshine Reader List (SRL). The SRL was a pop culture reading list published every year by the Florida Dept. of Education. This list required novels on the Sunshine Reading List to be published 2010 or newer- yes 2010 or newer! And it effectively banned the classics. NO LONGER!

This is a classical reading list and a major, major  win for our kids. It’s also a big win for FLCA. They have been working on this for 18 months and Richard Corcoran, Commissioner of Education, made it happen! Here is the Classical Reading List.

So what’s next?

Here is a working draft of FLCA’s K-12 Education Legislative agenda. FLCA is in the process of getting agreement from the Board and a 20 person state wide advisory team, then FLCA has leaders in over 30 counties who will present the final FLCA 2020 agenda to their respective County Legislative Delegation Hearing between September and December. In the meantime, FLCA will be working overtime to get legislative sponsors.

If we don’t fix the education system, nothing else we do will matter. We will spiral into Socialism or worse. Please subscribe to stay informed on what FLCA is doing to improve education in the Sunshine State.