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Tuesday, July 2, 2024 - 02:03 AM


First Published in 1994


BJU Nursing Student

The nursing program at Bob Jones University has been granted accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as an approved accrediting agency, CCNE is an independent organization which exists to ensure high standards, overall quality and continuous improvement of baccalaureate, graduate, and residency programs of nursing in the United States.

Prior to receiving board approval, the BJU nursing program submitted a comprehensive self-study report in March 2019 and hosted a two-day site visit by CCNE accreditors in April. The notice of accreditation is the culmination of an approximately yearlong comprehensive review.

“While our nursing program has been approved by the South Carolina Board of Nursing since its inception, we felt it was important to voluntarily undergo CCNE’s rigorous accreditation process to enhance the value of our bachelor’s degree in nursing,” says BJU President Steve Pettit. “Our nursing graduates consistently outperform both the state and national pass rates on the NCLEX-RN examination which speaks to the strength of our program and the dedication of our faculty and staff. Achieving program level accreditation is a milestone that will greatly benefit our students.”

CCNE accreditation benefits graduates and students in several ways. It will help them with graduate school admission, increased employment opportunities and licensure. Accreditation also enables the Division of Nursing to pursue grant opportunities to procure new equipment and simulation machines.

While granted in October, the CCNE accreditation is retroactive to include 2019 BJU nursing graduates.

“This process required a group effort to complete. Our faculty and staff were confident of the level of our program and worked tirelessly to supply the documentation needed to earn accreditation,” says Dr. Jessica Minor, dean of the BJU’s School of Health Professions. “We believe accreditation clearly demonstrates our nursing program meets industry standards in healthcare regarding evidence-based practice and quality.”

Nursing is one of the top ten declared majors at BJU. Since the fall of 1979, the nursing program has had 1,252 graduates. The NCLEX-RN pass rate for the class of 2019 was 92.7% in comparison to the national rate of 91.8% for those with baccalaureate degrees.  Incoming nursing students will be the first class to occupy the newly renovated School of Health Professions facility opening in the fall of 2020.

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