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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Photo of Class

Bob Jones University President Steve Pettit announced today that BJU is adjusting its fall schedule to finish first semester prior to Thanksgiving.

In a video announcement sent to students, parents, faculty and staff, Pettit announced classes will begin Tuesday, Aug. 18 and that final exams would end on Tuesday, Nov. 24. To accomplish this, BJU will not observe Labor Day or have a fall break this year.

“While we are eager to return to campus, the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing colleges and universities—including BJU—to make continual adjustments,” said Pettit. “A major adjustment for BJU is the start and end dates for the 2020 fall semester.”

With the new schedule, new students will arrive and move into their residence halls on Friday, Aug. 14, and attend new student orientation on Saturday, Aug. 15. Returning students will arrive and move into their residence halls on Saturday, Aug. 15.

Opening exercises for the 2020-2021 academic year will be held Sunday, Aug. 16 at 7 p.m. in the Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium (FMA). Faculty, staff and students will also participate in the annual evangelistic services at 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 17 and Tuesday, Aug. 18 in the FMA.

In addition to the schedule changes, Pettit announced that Dr. Alan Benson, Vice President for Student Development and Discipleship, is leading a “Reopening Campus Fall of 2020 Task Force” which is reviewing and establishing guidelines for areas such as COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation protocols, physical distancing and enhanced cleaning of campus spaces. Students will have ready access to health care and consultation through a 24-hour telehealth service and tools like symptom checker will be available to every student to provide peace of mind and constant care.

As specific plans are made, they will be communicated to students over the summer months.