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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 10:18 AM


First Published in 1994


Individuals were cleared to demask for ribbon cutting.
Individuals were cleared to demask for ribbon cutting.

Tigerville, SC - Celebrating a contemporary approach to working with students’ academic and financial issues, North Greenville University dedicated the newly renovated Neves Hall on Wednesday, September 23. The ceremonies included honoring lead donors for the project, as well as recognizing the legacy of the Neves family.

In 2018, North Greenville University announced the creation of a dedicated Student Services Division: one campus location where each student can address academic and financial account issues. Instead of wading through lines or crisscrossing campus to visit various offices, students have a one-stop venue where cross-trained personnel can provide assistance and guidance.

Student Services combines the innovative NGUcentral hub and the University’s Academic Records, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts departments, as staff members work in concert to provide cutting-edge service for students and their families. Historically, NGU students had to go to separate offices in Neves Academic Hall, Hayes Ministry Center, and Donnan Administration Building to complete any meetings or transactions with Academic Records, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts. Additionally, the student or family member would have to explain the reason for each of the separate visits, regardless of how interrelated the visits might be.

In addition to the reorganization of the interior and substantial landscaping upgrades, significant technology upgrades were installed in the three Neves classrooms. The equipment supports 4K LCD displays and multichannel audio. It includes support technology to give instructors an immersive platform that is engaging and supportive of student learning outcomes. One classroom and the Wood Conference Room are fitted with the Lifesize suite of video conferencing solutions that allows for flexible meetings, remote instruction, and the recording of sessions that can be packaged for future distribution.  The upgrades and the integration with the latest in cloud technologies will set the standard for instructional enablement and excellence for many years to come.

North Greenville graduates Dan and Martha Candler Boling provided the leadership gift for renovation of Neves Hall, the university’s second-oldest building. Long-time supporters of the institution, the Bolings were recognized by NGU President Dr. Gene C. Fant, Jr., during the dedication ceremony.

“Dan and Martha, once again, you have supported your Alma Mater in a way that creates opportunities for our students to excel,” Dr. Fant said. “You have faithfully strengthened our mission throughout your lives, by supporting construction projects, investing in our alumni association’s programs, and by providing home-cooked meals and encouraging words to students across the generations.

“It is fitting that when NGU sought to make a major step forward in serving students in a practical and meaningful way, Dan and Martha Boling were the first to step up with leadership support,” said the president.

The Bolings met on North Greenville’s Tigerville campus in the mid-1950s. Both graduated from North Greenville Junior College in 1957. Dan founded the Daley Corporation and operated the Greenville-based construction equiment rental company for three decades. He has served five terms on the NGU Board of Trustees. Martha taught third-grade students before her retirement. She is a past president of the North Greenville University Alumni Association. The daughter of Rev. Charlie and Lorene Candler, Martha was born on the North Greenville campus while her father was a ministerial student at the college.

When it opened in 1945, the building was named  “Neves Dining Hall” in memory of long-time benefactor Benjamin F. Neves. The recognition on September 23 celebrated Neves’ legacy of support for North Greenville students, dating back to 1891, when he offered – and subsequently gave – 10 acres and $500 to launch the institution in Tigerville.

Members of the extended Neves family were invited to participate in the dedication ceremony, honoring the family’s historic connection to the university.

“God uses men who are available at the moment to change the course of history. Benjamin F. Neves was available in 1891 to invest in the education of children in The Dark Corner and to lead the Tigerville Baptist Association to start a school right here,” said Dr. Fant. “It is not an overstatement to say that the thousands of graduates of North Greenville and the countless numbers of lives they have touched are a direct result of B.F. Neves being faithful to follow God’s direction in his life. That is an amazing reminder and an amazing challenge for us today.”The dedication event was part of a Founder’s Day recognition which celebrates the University’s 128 years of existence, Neves Hall was dedicated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

With the new structure and creation of NGUcentral, the University is demonstrating professional efficiency in a logical structure. We are showing students and their families that we see them as members of our greater NGU family. We are showing these future alumni that living out “Christ Makes the Difference” means we strive to operate with excellence.

NGU is committed to integrating faith into the classroom and the overall student experience. Every interaction with the University should reflect a Christ-honoring commitment to excellence. While that commitment hinges on personal work and conduct, it includes a challenge to utilize physical resources effectively.

Neves Hall History

In April 1944, North Greenville’s board voted to construct a “new building for the dining room and kitchen.” The building also housed the main heating system. Addressing the project during World War II, the board noted that boilers and 65,000 feet of lumber were on hand, allowing construction to proceed.

Named in honor of B.F. Neves, the building was remodeled in 1962. As it remained a hub of campus activity, the building had new wings added in 1973. There was a second addition to the building in 1996, doubling the dining hall space to accommodate 300 students. Additionally, two floors on the west side of the building were remodeled to provide housing for 30 male students. The area originally provided a workshop, laundry room, and apartments.

In 2006, Neves was renovated and converted to Neves Academic Hall, providing academic administration offices, faculty offices, and classrooms. In recent years the hall has accommodated the Provost’s Office, Registrar, and Student Success offices, as well as providing office space for various faculty members and portions of the Campus Technology staff.

Today, with the extensive renovation of the main floor, Neves Hall continues to be a vital resource for North Greenville University. The Student Services team includes Academic Records, Financial Aid, and Student Accounts, which are integrated through the NGUcentral structure, where students work with personnel who can address academic and financial matters in a one-stop venue.

What started as a place where students were physically nourished continues as a campus hub where students’ journeys are supported, helping them flourish at NGU and in their careers.

To learn more about NGU and its nationally recognized academic programs, visit www.ngu.edu/academics