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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Dr Bernard BJU 03 01 21

Bob Jones University students spearheaded multiple fundraising efforts with the goal of raising $200,000 to build a medical center in the Ivory Coast as part of their annual Bible Conference offering fundraising campaign. After two weeks of dedicated effort, BJU President Steve Pettit announced on Friday night, Feb. 19, the University community raised a total of $211,053.67 for the construction and furnishing of Hope Christian Health Center in Ivory Coast, West Africa.

“It’s always an encouragement to see our student body catch the vision for the Bible Conference offering project — and this year was no exception,” BJU President Steve Pettit said. “I’m pleased to see the passion of our students, faculty and staff in working creatively together to raise funds for the Hope Christian Health Center.”

While students, faculty and staff raised money on campus, BJU alumni and friends from around the world donated online and provided matching gifts to support the effort.

The idea for the project came from Dr. Bernard Kadio, BJU School of Health Professions faculty member and director of the Center for Community and Global Health. As a native of the Ivory Coast, Kadio is acutely aware of the need for improved medical treatment especially for expectant mothers who have a higher-than-average mortality rate.

The new center will provide a larger facility and expand access for more patients than the current medical clinic. The offering will cover the costs of the maternity ward of the health center. Land, equipment and some other financial resources have already been acquired.

With the opening of the new center, medical personnel and missionaries will be able to meet the physical and spiritual needs of over 15,000 patients annually.