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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:22 AM


First Published in 1994


BJU Criminal Justice Challenge Coin

Bob Jones University will host the eighth annual Criminal Justice Challenge Coin Ceremony Thursday, May 6, for the Class of 2020 and 2021 graduates of BJU’s criminal justice program. The ceremony will be held at 4 p.m. in Stratton Hall on the BJU  campus. 

During the ceremony, graduating seniors and 2020 graduates will be presented with a BJU Criminal Justice Challenge Coin. The front of the coin is imprinted with the phrase “Standing Valiantly for Christ” and an emblazoned banner stamped with Romans 3:14. The reverse side bears the name of the University and the BJU crest which symbolizes the heritage and biblical worldview which are foundational to our liberal arts education and character development in preparation for effective service to Christ and the community. 

The challenge coin has a rich and extensive history in both the military and law enforcement. Receiving a challenge coin is an honor. It represents a token of professional recognition. The BJU challenge coin is designed to represent the law enforcement profession and be a lasting reminder of a graduate's calling to faithfully represent the Lord in the criminal justice environment. 

Additionally, four students, two from each class, will receive the Allen Jacobs Memorial Award. 

Greer Police Chief Matthew Hamby will deliver the keynote speech to the recipients and guests. 

“The Bob Jones University criminal justice coin represents not only the finest ideals of the policing profession but also the biblical heritage and scriptural principles that undergird a student’s journey with us,” said Lance Crowe, criminal justice faculty member and program coordinator. “It is our sincerest desire this coin will serve as a tangible reminder to the graduates of our congratulations, blessings as they graduate and of those principles we hope will guide them as they join the challenging and rewarding field of criminal justice.”