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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:22 AM


First Published in 1994


NGU EIG Certification

North Greenville University (NGU) has gained “Transparency Certification” from Excellence in Giving, LLC, a philanthropic advisory firm serving high-capacity donors.

According to Excellence in Giving, the firm “recognizes Transparency when charities share more data about governance, finances, strategy, and impact than the IRS requires.” The certificate was presented to NGU after the private Christian university provided 175 data points about operations and performance for donors to review before making an informed giving decision.

“Being one of only seven colleges or universities in the nation to earn Transparency Certification is a significant achievement for our Christ-centered institution,” NGU President Gene C. Fant, Jr., said. “We are confident that transparency in financial matters reflects our core values and honors our proclamation that ‘Christ makes the difference.’”

Excellence in Giving is “committed to helping high-capacity donors around the country set and achieve their charitable giving goals,” according to a statement from the company, which was founded in 2002. Excellence in Giving clients give nearly $90 million per year to more than 981 nonprofits.

“Organizations like North Greenville University indicate their commitment to donor transparency when they provide the detailed information requested during our certification process,” said Lindsey Caroon, communications manager for the firm based in Colorado Springs, Colo.

“When an Excellence in Giving client considers supporting a nonprofit, our Analytics provide the confidence needed to move forward with a decision,” Caroon said. “Nonprofit organizations dedicate a substantial amount of time to the Analytics report, and our hope is that the reflective process makes every organization better.”

Transparency seal recipients voluntarily disclose debt levels, board practices, three-year program and financial trends, statistics on institutional impact, strategic plans, and an internal S.W.O.T. analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats).

The resulting two-page Nonprofit Analytics reveal the challenges and successes an organization has experienced executing its strategy, funding its operations, and achieving its mission.

“In a world where too many dishonest nonprofits have hidden problems until their scandals make headlines, the Transparency Certification distinguishes a new breed of nonprofits committed to a higher standard of open and accountable relationships with donors,” according to a statement from Excellence in Giving.

The NGU analytics review is available online at https://analytics.excellenceingiving.com/overview/north-greenville-university.

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