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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:18 AM


First Published in 1994


The mandated lockdowns over the last year and a half have opened many people’s eyes to how powerful our government can become if we don’t pay attention.  As students began learning virtually, parents were able to see first-hand the government’s influence on our children’s education.  Needless to say, they aren’t happy.

Across the nation, parents are increasingly making their voices heard at their local school board meetings.  Issues like critical race theory have brought together conservatives and liberals alike to fight against politics in the classroom. Dr. Carol Swain, an outspoken opponent to critical race theory said

We learn from the mistakes of other people by reading about their lives. But if you try to revise history by whitewashing it or blackwashing it, you end up with people losing connection to how far they’ve come. 

Parents simply do not want their children influenced by “woke” ideology in the classroom.

Laura Zorc knows this sentiment all too well.  As her children were attending school in Florida, she realized the quality of their education was suffering.  After making unsuccessful appeal after appeal to school board members and local politicians, she decided to go another route.  She joined forces with three moms and began what would eventually become the largest parent-led advocacy groups in the state.  She is now the Director of Education Reform for FreedomWorks where she equips parents to advocate for their children’s education.  She joined us this week to talk about the problems facing our public education system and what you can do about it.

Whether you are a parent of school-aged kids, a parent of children soon to be in school, or a grandparent who has influence over future generations, don’t miss this highly informative episode!

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