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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:17 AM


First Published in 1994


Bruce Meyer BJU

Dr. Alan Benson, BJU executive vice president for student development and ministry advancement, today announced Dr. Bruce Meyer, noted counseling expert and author and presenter of the Upstream Seminar sexual purity seminar, joined the BJU Seminary faculty this fall. The appointment is a critical step in advancing BJU Seminary’s 5P Plan to achieve its 500 x 5 x 5 strategic vision of putting 500 pastors in the pulpit in the next five years — and every five years after that.

Meyer joins BJU Seminary from Maranatha Baptist University, where he served for 19 years, most recently as biblical counseling program coordinator and professor of biblical studies. His focus at the graduate level is on counseling in the areas of sexual purity, addictions, life-dominating problems and survivors of abuse. He is the author of Upstream Seminar, a sexual purity seminar for men which he presents at local churches and men’s retreats.

Benson stated, “Equipped to help current and future pastors overcome ministry barriers, Dr. Meyer further advances BJU Seminary’s 5P Plan. Bruce epitomizes the next-level instruction and innovative approaches to biblical counseling and ministry that will enable us to prepare the next generation of pastors. With groundbreaking insights in his Upstream Seminar program, Bruce is already taking dead aim at the scourge of sexual impurity widely identified as the most damaging issue facing congregations.”

In addition to his service at Maranatha, Meyer has served as an adjunct professor at Calvary Baptist Theological Seminary, a pastor and assistant pastor, a Christian school administrator, and a biblical counselor. He earned BA and MA degrees in Bible at BJU and BJU Seminary and an MDiv and PhD at Calvary, where his thesis was the foundational document for the Upstream Seminar.

Added Benson, “In a 2016 survey by the Barna organization, 57% of pastors and 64% of youth pastors admitted to struggling with pornography, either currently or in the past, and nearly 40% called it a ‘major’ or ‘significant’ problem in their congregation. We are looking forward to bringing Bruce’s expertise to our renowned biblical counseling faculty to help pastors face this daunting cultural challenge.”

About BJU Seminary

BJU Seminary is a conservative graduate school of theology and ministry in Greenville, South Carolina. Part of Bob Jones University, BJU Seminary features a world-class faculty of 25 full-time and adjunct professors recognized as specialists in fields ranging across theology, ministry, apologetics, counseling and missions — fulfilling a commitment to equip leaders to effectively proclaim the Word, serve the church and advance the Gospel.

The Seminary is pursuing a 500 x 5 x 5 strategic vision of putting 500 pastors on the path to the pulpit in the next 5 years — and every 5 years after that — through a 5P Plan of innovation and investment in the areas of program, partnerships, people, plant and profile.

BJU Seminary offers full-time, flexible graduate programs and certificates and badges in areas including biblical counseling, theological studies, expository preaching, ministry studies, intercultural studies, biblical language and literature, Bible teaching, chaplaincy and master of divinity. The Seminary places a premium on:

  • Accessibility, with a complete range of offerings in full-time residence, in summer modules, via livestream and through BJU’s School for Continuing, Online and Professional Education (SCOPE), and

  • Affordability, with among the lowest per-credit-hour costs of any conservative seminary and a wide array of financial assistance.