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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 08:10 PM


First Published in 1994



The eighth annual Wade Hampton Memorial Service will be held on Saturday afternoon April 21st at 2 o'clock in Keenan Chapel at Trinity Cathedral.

The outstanding speaker will be Dr. David Aiken of Charleston, who until his retirement last May was a professor of English at the Citadel. In his later years at El Cid, he also taught some courses at the College of Charleston. He is a nationally known authority on the works of William Gilmore Simms and also the War for Southern Independence. His topic will be: "Wade Hampton, a Civilizing Influence." Dr. Aiken is a well-known author of such books as "A City Laid Waste," and "Fire in the Cradle: Charleston's Literary Heritage."

In addition, some Hampton descendants and "Maplewood," a country band directed by compatriot Don Jones, will participate. A number of Order of Confederate Rose ladies, dressed in mourning clothes, will be attending.

Following the Chapel Obsevance, attendees will visit the grave of our hero Lt. General Wade Hampton III and then proceed to the State House grounds where a ceremoony will be held at the Equestrian Monument of Gen. Hampton. This will be followed by a rifle and artillery salute and the sounding of Taps and Tattoo.

Mr. Kirkman Finlay, a direct Hampton descendent, will invite attendees to visit the ruins of the Hampton plantation home at Millwood. There remain six ruined Corinthian columns. Before it was burned by General Sherman's troops, it was considered by many the most magnificent mansion in South Carolina.

This is a pubic event and all who are interested are invited to attend and take part in this tribute to our greatest South Carolinian of the War and Reconstruction and who helped rebuild his state by serving as Governor and as a United States Senator.

SCV members and reenactors are invited to attend and wear their period costumes.