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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 03:22 PM


First Published in 1994


“If we lose Freedom Here, We have no place to go”


Pastor Rafael Cruz, father of United States Senator Ted Cruz attended the American Renewal Project at the Greenville Hilton as guest speaker Friday. The purpose of the conference was to encourage pastors to stand up! return to their church and mobilize their people in the pews to register, to vote and to take their Christian convictions with them to the voting booth.

Pastor Cruz placed the blame for our current problems squarely on the men who have been hiding behind their pulpits. “When Bibles and prayer was removed from schools, they did nothing. When the Supreme Court allowed killing of millions of babies in the womb, they did nothing. When the Ten Commandments were removed from the public square, they did nothing. Tyranny prevails when good men do nothing.”



Apathy of Evangelical Christians assured the election of Obama to a second term. “There are 65 million Evangelical Christians eligible to vote. Only 50 percent registered to vote. Only 50 percent of those registered actually went to the polls and voted. That means 48 million Evangelical Christians stayed home on election day 2012.”

If Christians do not vote for their values to be represented in Government, the opposition will vote for their values. That is what we have now.

Only Christians with the blessings and God can turn it around. The American Renewal Project is attempting to awaken the “sleeping giant.”

The elder Cruz was jailed in a military prison by the military dictatorship before Castro.  He came to the United States on a student visa with $100 sewn into his clothing. He worked full-time and attended the University of Texas full-time.


Rafael returned to Cuba after Castro took over. That is when he discovered that Castro’s promises of “hope and change” meant loss of freedom, redistribution of wealth, confiscation of private property and equal poverty for all except the rulers. He left Cuba the second time.

He observed Jimmy Carter doing some of the same things Castro had done in Cuba. He began working for the election of Ronald Reagan.

Rafael recalls telling his young son Ted that, “when we faced repression in Cuba, I had a place to send you. If we lose freedom here, we have no place to go.”

By the time Ted finished high school, he had memorized the Constitution of the United States and along with four other teens toured Texas and presented more than eighty programs on the Constitution.

“When Ted was sworn in as United States Senator from Texas,  I could not contain the tears.”

Speaking before a group at a hastily called Greenville Tea Party gathering, Pastor Cruz reminded his audience that Christian pastors, called the Black Robe Regiment, led the American Revolution and that a pastor and his congregation fought the first battle against the British Crown.

Rafael-Cruz---JanWilliams-1Cruz is alarmed that President Obama is following the same agenda as Castro, only more slowly, “like boiling a frog” so that ignorant and misinformed Americans are deceived. He finds it even more alarming that when presented with facts about where our country is headed under the current administration, some people say: “It can’t happen here.”

“It is already happening here!” he said.

Castro began talking about evil wealthy people and redistribution of wealth and confiscating private property.

“There is more than one way of confiscating private property,” Cruz said. “How many of you are familiar with Agenda 21,” he asked. Pastor Cruz answered: “Agenda 21 is all about confiscation of private property.”

He explained that Agenda 21 is designed to control every aspect of human life and that every Communist regime has a propaganda wing to repeat it’s lies and counter it’s critics.

In the United States the propaganda ministry is called the “liberal media,” he said.

Many Americans think of the liberal media as being the national media only. It is important to remember that the national broadcast and print media have local affiliates, and those local affiliates in South Carolina are very effective advocates for Agenda 21 and the deceptive confiscation of private property, using a variety of clavor schemes.

Pastor Cruz noted that the early settlers in America tried Communism and it failed while private enterprise prospered. In fact, Communism has never worked even when operated as a dictatorship. It is incompatible with God and the desire of human beings for liberty.

Communism is incompatible with belief in God, private property ownership and the right of citizens to bear arms. Castro did it and Obama is trying to do the same.

Tragically, the concept and support behind the current Greenville County 1-cent sales tax referendum for “roads” has its roots in Agenda 21. The city of Greenville is an ICLEI model for the United Nations Agenda 21, the insidious plan to confiscate private property using taxpayer’s money to take their property. Using a form of bribery by promising money for special interest projects such as bike trails and green areas, and profits to paving contractors, builders and realtors the effort is well-organized and has it’s own well-financed propaganda agency, with support of the liberal media.

E. Ray Moore, candidate for South Carolina Lt. Governor, attended the South Carolina Renewal Project Program, where Pastor Rafael Cruz, former Congressman J.C. Watts, Senator Tim Scott, TV Host and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and others spoke.

“About four hundred and fifty attended the program of which about three hudred and fifty were pastors,” Moore, a Retired Army Chaplain said. He said that the two day program was motivational, substantive and conservative theologically. Most attendees were Baptists and Penticostal Evangelicals, Moore observed.