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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 01:13 AM


First Published in 1994



The Sept. 8 2014, meeting of the Winnie Davis 442 United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapter was held in Taylors, SC, for a very special evening.  Special recognition was given to an array of Upstate citizens for their service to our state and nation in a variety of capacities.

Chapter President Pamela Durham opened the meeting with the pledges to the flags, and singing of anthems.  Allison Bolt, President of Joseph Evan Davis 907 Children of the Confederacy Chapter, welcomed the attendees and served as page for the event. UDC-9-17-14-1

Beverly Sutton, Recorder of Military Service, was presented the Robert E. Lee award by Division Third Vice President Judy McCardle of Rock Hill, SC.  This honor is awarded by the Children of the Confederacy to those who observed the objectives of this organization and who have made contributions to the SC Division beyond the required duties of membership, office, or advisorship. Beverly is only the 4th one to receive this award in the state of SC.

The Judah P. Benjamin Award is given in memory of the contributions of the great Confederate statesman Judah P. Benjamin and to honor the individuals for their outstanding civic, conservation, educational, environmental, humanitarian, or patriotic endeavors and achievements not necessarily related to the Confederacy.  Three Judah Benjamin awards were presented to Mary Jane Coffee, Michael Finely, and Pamela Durham.  Mary Jane Coffee, Robert E. Lee 146 UDC Chapter, has given time and effort to serving the needs of the veterans of Anderson County and to the Michael Campbell Veterans Nursing Home in Anderson.  Pamela A. Durham was presented the award for her patriotic services to the Military Officers Association of America and for patriotic activities in the Upstate area.  Michael Finely, 16th SCV Camp #36, was presented the award for his efforts on educating the public on the events that happened in the Greenville, SC area during the War Between the States.


Crosses of Military Service are bestowed upon one who, by faithful devotion and patriotic military service to country in time of War, has exemplified courage and loyalty which reflects honor upon himself as well as upon their Confederate ancestor.  Five Crosses were presented to family members of honorees.  Judy Langley, niece of Furman A. Bagwell, Corporal, Army Air Force, accepted the award for Mr. Bagwell as the recipient of the World War II Cross of Military Service.  Richard H. Fortner Jr., son of Richard Harold Fortner, Seaman Apprentice, United State Navy, accepted the award for his late father, the posthumous recipient of the World War II Cross of Military Service.   Debbie Fortner Manet, daughter of Preston W. Fortner, Corporal, United States Army, accepted the award for her late father, a posthumous recipient of the World War II Cross of Military Service.  Jake O. Phillips, son of Jake O’Lee Phillips, Staff Sergeant, United States Army, accepted the award for his late father, a posthumous recipient of the World War II Cross of Military Service.  Sgt. Phillips was killed in action in Europe.  Charlotte Collins, daughter of James Herman Fortner, Shipfitter 2nd Class, United States Navy, accepted the award for her late father, a posthumous recipient of the World War II Cross of Military Service.

Keith R. Pike, Sergeant, United States Army, was the recipient of the medal for the Global War on Terror Cross of Military Service.

The evening concluded with singing of “Blessed Be the Ties” and the opportunity for attendees to express their appreciation to the recipients.