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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 01:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Hardback- 250 pages- $24.95 (Copies Available for sale at The Times Examiner Office)

Scruggs-Book-CoverLessons from the Vietnam War is an accurate, interesting and comprehensive account of a tragic, painful and prolonged event in American History. Decorated Vietnam War Veteran and noted Historian Mike Scruggs skillfully sifted through the propaganda and political correctness of the 1960s and 1970s and recorded the facts of the Vietnam War from beginning to end including the views of dictators in Hanoi and decisions of politicians and bureaucrats micro-managing a war from Washington, DC. Lessons from the Vietnam War honors the service of heroic Americans in uniform who sacrificed to win the war and exposes those who undermined their efforts and ushered in a Communist victory unopposed by American Power.

Lewis Regenstein , former CIA Intelligence Officer, 1966-71, provided this review of Lessons From the Vietnam War:

“This book is a ‘Must Read’ for anyone who wants to know the truth about the war in Vietnam.

“First of all, Scruggs tells some of the best firsthand combat stories ever told, such as what it’s like to bail out of a burning attack bomber at night. He should know – he did it, and lives to tell about it.

“But most important, Scruggs courageously names the political leaders in Washington who sabotaged our brave soldiers and airmen in the field, handing the communists the victory they could not win on the battlefield.

“Few people realize that we had actually won the war – destroyed the Viet Cong as a fighting force, and defeated the North Vietnamese divisions that invaded the South – when Congress pulled the plug on U. S. aid to South Vietnam, forcing our victorious military to stand by while the communists invaded again with impunity, seizing the country and humiliating America.

“It is a tragic and maddening story, one that you will not read in the history books or in the mainstream media, but which Mike Scruggs has at last revealed in a powerful, true, well-documented book that should become a classic.”

The Times Examiner has been privileged to publish several sections of this excellent book and is currently printing a serialized version of Appendix I, The Moral and Political Tragedy of My Lai.

I have a personal connection to that tragic event due to personal friends who were destroyed by the event. I attended the Command and General Staff College with Lt. Col. Barker, the task force commander, who was killed in action a few days after the incident at My Lai. Also Major Charles C. Calhoun was a classmate of mine at Clemson, a good man and a fine officer who loved the Army and sacrificed to serve his country. He had nothing to do with the incident, but was operations officer for the unit operating from a helicopter in the area of My Lai. His career was destroyed due to the association with the incident and to no fault of his own and he finally left service and went to work in the textile industry.

When the media got involved in the incident, there was a search for scapegoats to sacrifice and Charlie was true blue. He would die before he would tell a lie. He was that kind of guy.