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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 11:32 AM


First Published in 1994



There were many special and exciting moments at the first meeting of the year for Winnie Davis 442 in Greenville, SC.  The meeting was held at the home of Chapter President Pamela Durham.  She opened the meeting with ritual and prayer, and then welcomed all members and visitors.  

The first action of the meeting was the installation of 2nd Vice President & Treasurer Dona Morgan of Taylors, who was absent from the May meeting in which the rest of the Chapter officers were installed.  The next item on the agenda was the presentation of new member and supplemental certificates.  

Dona Morgan of Taylors received certificates for the research on service of her ancestors John T. White, Marshall Frank Fowler and James L. Fowler.  Pamela Durham of Greenville received certificates for the research on service of her ancestors John Hamilton and John Ogletree.  Julia Barnes of Honea Path received certificates for the service of her ancestors Isaac Smith, Wesley Sexton, and Francis B. Davis.  Angela Gray of Honea Path received a certificate for research on her ancestor Richard Sentelle Osteen.  Rhonda “Ziggy” Spearman of Honea Path received a certificate for the service of her ancestor Micager Camp.  

Karen Kenyon was welcomed as a “new” member, having her transfer from the Virginia Division.

Chapter Third Vice President Martha Moody Bailey was absent due to a fall resulting in a broken ankle, but sent word about the application of four new children for the Joseph Evan Davis 907 Chapter, Children of the Confederacy. She also asked Mrs. Durham to share the news of the CofC meeting which was held on Sept. 18 at the Donaldson Center.  

The Chapter’s “adopted Chapter Veteran” CPT William Hardison invited all of the children and families to be his guest at the Family Day that was presented by the military unit.  Officer installation for Joseph Evan Davis 907 was held at the event.  
Plans for the Chapter’s representation at the SC Division UDC Convention in North Charleston in October was discussed and delegates to the Convention were selected by the membership.

One special presentation was made to Daniel Durham, who was given the “Honorary Uncle” certificate for his service to the Chapter-sponsored CofC Chapter.  

Chapter member LuAnne Foster of Belton shared information about new innovations at the Belton Museum and encouraged members to tour the facility when in the area.  

Chapter Historian Nancy Austin of Pelzer showed the Chapter her new insignia items and encouraged others to purchase insignia to honor their Confederate ancestors.  Mrs. Austin is also the Chapter’s Recorder of Military Service, and shared the exciting news that Mrs. Kenyon’s two supplementals just submitted on her father’s line provide the documentation for this World War II veteran to receive a Military Service Award.  Chapter President Mrs. Durham serves as the Patriotic Activities Chair for the SC Division, and she will work with Mrs. Kenyon and Mrs. Austin to ensure that his service is recognized soon!  

The meeting adjourned and the ladies enjoyed a fabulous treat of grilled chicken wings and ham biscuits, along with peach and apple dumplings.  

The Chapter mascot, Traveller the stuffed horse accompanies the children’s group to events. Traveller of course attended the meeting so he could report on the activities to the Joseph Evan Davis group.