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Wednesday, July 17, 2024 - 08:03 PM


First Published in 1994


Mr. David Bell, speaker for the event, holds the Bible given to him by his grandmother.
Mr. David Bell, speaker for the event, holds the Bible given to him by his grandmother.

The 2018 Confederate Memorial Service was held at Springwood Cemetery on Sunday, May 6, 2018. The event was sponsored by the 16th Regiment, SC Volunteers, Camp 36 SCV and the Museum and Library of Confederate History. Mr. Frank Tucker, Commander of Camp 36, presided over the ceremony. Music was provided by the Kendall and Neely families.

Following the Call to Church, played on the trumpet by Mr. Hunter Kendall, the 16th SC Color Guard of Honor posted  the Colors. Pledges were led by Mr. Nelson Bishop. Greetings were given from representatives of the UDC, OCR, SC Division SCV, Military Order of the Stars and Bars, and the CofC. A memorial was given for Commander Rollis Smith, who passed away this year during his term in office. Chaplain Mark Evans led in the ceremony, and the members of Caroline S. Coleman 537 CofC presented a bouquet of red roses to his widow, Mrs. Marlene Smith.

The speaker for the event was Mr. David Bell, who told the assembly that everyone has a story about their Confederate ancestry, and he shared his story. He showed his grandmother’s Bible which she had given to him and he recounted her stories of his ancestor who fought in the War Between the States. He encouraged families to share their stories with current members and the generations to come.

Mr. Terry Grissop sang the favorite hymn of Robert E. Lee, How Firm a Foundation. Captain John Vaughan shared a reading. Wreaths were presented by the 16th Regiment SCV Camp 36, Military Order of the Stars and Bars, 2nd Brigade SCV, SC Division SCV, Greenville 51 UDC, Joseph Brevard Kershaw 205 UDC,  Oliver Thompson 1850 UDC, Hunley Chapter 2667 UDC, Varina Howell Davis Chapter 1 OCR, and Caroline S. Coleman 537 CofC.

The members of Varina Howell Davis Chapter 1 OCR placed a long-stemmed red rose on the headstone of each of the 81 graves of the Unknown Confederate soldiers buried at Springwood Cemetery and the members of Caroline S. Coleman 537 CofC placed flowers on the graves of the Unknown Soldiers and other Confederate soldiers buried in the cemetery following the tradition established by the women and children immediately following the War. Mr. Ken Willis played Amazing Grace on the bagpipes. The 16th SC Color Guard of Honor performed the Canteen Ceremony and fired a musket salute.

Mr. Jack Marlar fired a cannon salute. Following Taps, played by Mr. Hunter Kendall and the singing of Dixie, led by Mr. Terry Grissop. Chaplain Mark Evans pronounced the benediction followed by the retirement of the Colors by the 16th SC Color Guard of Honor.