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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 06:23 PM


First Published in 1994


Event Held in Newly Renovated Museum Expansion


The Varina Howell Davis Chapter, Order of the Confederate Rose, provided food and served as hostesses for the Annual Christmas Reception honoring members of the Sixteenth Regiment, Camp 36, Sons of Confederate Veterans.

The Confederate Rose Chapter is auxiliary to the Sixteenth Regiment, SCV.

Mosie Marlar is president of the OCR Chapter. Other members assisting with the event were Cheryl Rude, Sally Wheeler, Linda Hamilton, Pamela Durham and Pam Evans.

The reception was held in the newly renovated expansion of the Museum and Library of Confederate History owned and operated by the Sixteenth Regiment, SCV.

Just inside the rear entrance of what will become the main library of the museum complex, the reception attendee observed one of only 6, 1.5 inch Ellsworth Cannons known to exist. Only 36 were produced by Eli Thayer in 1861.

This particular cannon is believed to have been taken by Stonewall Jackson during his capture of Harpers Ferry  on 15 September 1862 as part of the Maryland Campaign.

The cannon is on loan from the City of Greenville and is being restored by Museum Curator Webster Jones and his staff.

SCV National Chaplain Mark Evans provided the opening prayer.

Attendees were pleased to see Hewlett Sullivan, one of the founders of the museum and father of past SCV National Commander Chris Sullivan, in attendance. Mr. Sullivan was an active participant and leader in camp activities prior to being unable to participate for health reasons.

The Museum and Library of Confederate History is presenting a program free to the public every Friday night in December. Christmas in Dixie features a childrens program from 6 until 7 pm. and a musical program from 7 until 9 pm.

The Museum and Library of Confederate History is located at 15 Boyce Avenue, in the Pettigru Historic District of Greenville, South Carolina.