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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:18 PM


First Published in 1994


I am weary of narrow-minded, finger pointing bigots damning Romney for being Mormon. It is as if they are agents of the liberal left trying to sow dissension in the Conservative and Republican ranks. Romney was not my choice for the Republican nomination, and has many issues that concern me, but his Mormon faith is not one of them. Don’t these critics realize how shrill and foolish they look and make the rest of us look to the undecided voters who will determine this election? “Mormonism is a Cult!” “They part their hair on the wrong side!” By their definition of “cult,” every major religion except Judaism and Hinduism are cults – including all Christians. Protestants are the newest branch of religion, only some 600 years old (Martin Luther), and it has not been long since Baptists and Methodists did not accept each other as true Christians! Listen folks, any person who accepts Christ as his Savior, is saved by the Grace of God, and attempts to lead his life by Biblical principles, is a Christian. The details are between them and God. And the Mormons I have known have lived up to that standard well. Sure there are bad ones, and fringe groups- don’t we have plenty, too?

After saying that, I want to ask the same question the first writer asked: “Where are the churches?” We need the Churches, and God’s help, badly. The American churches of our forefathers were hotbeds of political activity, right on through the Civil War. Where are they now?

The choice before us is a Republican that leaves much to be desired, and a sitting president who has shown through his whole history that he is determined to destroy this country and drag us into total socialism and government control. He has already admitted through his leaked private comments to the Russians that he can be “more flexible” after the election. More flexible! You want to see him with four more years of more “flexibility” when he doesn’t have to worry about reelection? He has already started running the country by Presidential Decree, agitating race conflict, putting more people on government payroll and handouts than anyone in history, and throwing away our money at levels that dwarf even George Bush’s spending, living like a potentate with his taxpayer funded personal expenses, constant traveling with entourages, and campaigning since the day he was elected. The country has been sliding towards  the abyss, and now we are on the edge of the precipice, and one good shove will push us over irrevocably, and Obama is determined to do it. The result will be to make us virtual slaves of the government elite, with every aspect of our lives being contolled and directed.

Over half the population pay no income tax, and record numbers of people draw money from the government, making them very susceptible to his siren song. Add to that the die-hard Progressives who will support him no matter what and the total support of the mainstream media, and we are going to have a very tough time keeping him from being re-elected. By now everyone should have seen the man behind the mask, though he has sealed and blocked his entire history to hide the real person. Through the knowledge of his association and training with overt radicals and communists, to his anti-business and pro-crony policies, and his constant appointment of socialist, government control, anti- Christian, free enterprise hating, radical homosexual officials, you should be able to see what he truly is.

So, you have a choice between a moderate Mormon and this America-hating incumbent. Any question? One last point: where do you think you would be more comfortable- sitting in a Mormon service with Romney, or sitting in Jeremiah Wright’s church with Obama?

And where are our churches in this struggle? They may face penalties for preaching politics, but they can still preach criticism or praise of    policies! The Black churches sure know this!