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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 08:12 PM


First Published in 1994


A “citizen” is defined as a native or naturalized member of a state or nation who owes allegiance to his/her government and is entitled to its protection. Are Christians, therefore, really called to become loyal members of an artificial man-made entity that is, at once and by definition, at odds and at enmity with God? Does God require Christians to look to anti-God entities for protection instead of to Himself?

Was Jesus, when He said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s,” really telling us that we owe Caesar any obligation? Caesar’s image and superscription may have been ON the gold, but Who MADE the gold (and to Whom, therefore, does it belong)?

When Romans 13 tells us that we must submit to authority because authority comes only from God Himself, is it telling us that we must submit to any one or any thing calling itself an authority … or just to the true authority that comes from God as also described in Romans 13?

And if we are ambassadors, how can we also be citizens of the country in which we serve as ambassadors? Are not the two mutually exclusive? And if, as you claim, an ambassador is bound by the laws of both his own country and the country he is visiting, what of diplomatic immunity, something recognized by the laws of every country?

Are we called to actively BE salt and light … or did not Jesus tell us that we already ARE?

Do you really think, Mr. Beam, that “we” are going “to the polls to select our leader”? Can you really call Jesus your king and still proclaim allegiance to that fickle idea? Even were America a constitutional republic, are there as many as a handful of politicians in Washington, D.C., who believe that and act as if it were true? No, they talk of “making the world safe for democracy,” which is code for communism. And don’t you know that a vote for the democracy is a vote against the republic?