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Friday, February 14, 2025 - 01:51 PM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Every county council in SC needs a resolution that states their county does not want to participate in The Refugee Resettlement Program.

The U.S. used to be in charge of vetting the refugees we would accept.

But now roughly 95% of refugees to the United States are vetted by the United Nations.

The FBI has stated these refugees are from UN refugee camps AND   it is impossible to adequately vet them.

The wealthiest gulf nations are not taking in refugees for fear to their national security…so why should we?

Many claim these refugees will assimilate and become “self-sustaining.”

“Self-sustaining” and “self-sufficient” are not synonymous.

“Self-sustaining” means that World Relief or the local church or NGO is no longer providing aid to the refugee.

The taxpayer, however, is still on the hook to provide for them for the rest of their lives and the many children born to them on our soil.

It is well-documented the majority of the Middle East refugees do not desire to assimilate.

It is immoral and unprincipled to take from one person without their consent or knowledge to give to another.

Wealth is not the only valuable that can be taken from the taxpayer…it has recently been proven unvetted immigrants have taken lives of innocent US citizens.

What moral principle justifies bringing harm to citizens… or placing them in a disadvantage to favoring foreigners?

YOUR county is your community.   World Relief could relocate these unvetted Muslim refugees in your county if you don’t take a stand.

President Obama announced 85,000 more refugees are coming this year and 100,000 the next year, mostly from the Middle East where all these problems are occurring. Are we supposed to allow importing these same problems into Pickens County?

Governor Haley needs to hear from you and your elected County Council members, your elected State Leaders and your County Sheriff that your wishes for your county’s  own self governance will not be ignored.

The budget proviso adopted by the SC General Assembly:  “No state funds shall be expended to assist in the United States Refugee Resettlement Program unless the county council of the county where the resettlement is to occur approves the relocation.”

WE need to nip it...nip it in the bud as Barney Fife would say. We are the taxpaying, law abiding, rightful citizens our elected leaders should want to protect and serve. I will be speaking and presenting a resolution to Pickens County Council on Oct. 19th to address this immediate danger to our county.

The number one job of government is to protect its citizenry. Gov. Haley is failing us. I am praying you and your county council won’t fail us. Go to face book group Secure South Carolina https://www.facebook.com/Secure-South-Carolina-846972755418428/timeline/ and find out how you can make a difference.