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Raquelle Sheen's Column
So Your Child Has a Christian Teacher?
- Details
- By Raquelle Sheen
Recently a few friends were talking about their children’s experiences in government schools. They were both pleased and encouraged that their children had Christian teachers in the school who did not shy away from telling the truth about Christianity. I was happy to hear about the Christian teachers and their efforts to teach the truth. We need Christian adults in the schools! However, does having a Christian teacher make government school an acceptable choice for a Christian family?
Advice From the Oracle
- Details
- By Raquelle Sheen
Not every family is blessed by having a Great Oracle of Wisdom such as myself in their midst, but my family is lucky. I am always ready to dispense Advice and Instruction whenever I’m asked for it, and often when I’m not asked! (Isn’t that nice of me?) And although my Vast Talents occasionally go unappreciated by my thankless family, I have no doubt that you will appreciate the tips on homeschooling and childrearing that I, the Homeschooled Oracle, have to offer. I share these Fabulous Tidbits out of my store of Personal Experiences, Personal Observations, and from the Stock of Truisms I learned from my Venerated Parents.
A-a-hem. Here it goes.
Kids will be kids. But that doesn’t mean they can’t learn to act like well-behaved adults—usually at a younger age than parents give them credit for.