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Local Columnists
Now And Going Forward
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- By SC Gov. Mark Sanford
I have struggled with how best to convey my regret in letting so many down, and in that regard I realize this op-ed does not do justice to the process of saying “I am sorry.” A handwritten note or phone call would ultimately be more appropriate, but given the number of people I need to apologize to I write this to begin the journey of trying to get things more right with you and others.
It is true that I did wrong and failed at the largest of levels, but equally true is the fact that God can make good of our respective wrongs in life. In this vein, while none of us has the chance to attend our own funeral, in many ways I feel like I was at my own in the past weeks, and surprisingly I am thankful for the perspective it has afforded.
What Does Independence Day Mean?
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- By Franklin D. Raddish
Our Founding Fathers forged this nation with blood, sweat, and tears. Many of them gave the ultimate sacrifice of their own lives. The founding of this nation was not for the faint of heart. Our Founding Fathers did not found this country because of the desire for greed and power, as the leftists say, but they founded this nation for the cause to live, work, and die as free Americans. They wanted to be free from the oppressive hand of Mother England. England was smothering the colonies both spiritually and physically. There was a great deal of debate and soul-searching before our Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. Josiah Quincy, who was a great American orator for freedom during this time, said, “Blandishments will not fascinate us, nor will threats of a ‘halter’ intimidate. For, under God, we are determined that wheresoever, whensoever, or howsoever, we shall be called to make our exit, we will die as free men.”
Obama Dictates Construction Freeze
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
Last week President Barack Obama exercized his audacity again, declaring that Israel has the green light from the US to go ahead and complete construction on housing units in the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria that were already begun. But he added that after those projects were completed, he was demanding "a full construction freeze" in all the communities "across the disputed territories." And he added that he expected Israel "to fully comply with its demands."
I don't recall that it was Barack Obama who won the last election for Prime Minister of Israel. Do you? Yet it seems as if he thinks he holds the office of Super Prime Minister, or is it Dictator? How does he think he has the authority to make such dictatorial demands on Israel? How can he ignore that Israel is a viable and successful independent sovereign state? Does he consider Israel to be just another US state, or a colony of the US under his empirical administation?
Honduras Outraged By Obama-Chavez Alliance
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- By Cliff Kincaid
I continue to receive messages from Honduran citizens upset at the international media for their distorted coverage of the situation in the Central American country. The people support the ouster of Manuel “Mel” Zelaya, who is considered a puppet of Venezuelan Communist ruler Hugo Chavez. They are mystified that an American president would want to return this Chavez puppet to power in Honduras.
One Honduran wrote: “The recent action taken by our Congress is highly supported by several organizations in support of peace and democracy: the State General Attorney, the Supreme Court, the Armed Forces, the private organizations and especially many young people. Mr. Zelaya broke the law on several occasions even after the Supreme Court stated that it was illegal. He had no respect for our laws and our Constitution.
Biblical Significance of Modern Israel
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- By Dr. Al Snyder
Evangelical Christians from many countries of the world comprise the majority of foreign tourists visiting Israel each year. Most of them are going to Israel for the first time, and what they primarily want to see are the ancient Biblical sites. They have read about Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, and other places in their Bibles. So they arrive with excitement and anticipation in the Holy Land, anxious to see these ancient Biblical places.
The fact that these ancient sites are still in existence for tourists to visit is what we might call, "Biblically significant." They were places of importance in Israel centuries ago during Biblical history. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob lived there. David and Solomon reigned there. Jesus and His disciples ministered there. And amazingly, two or three thousand years later, these ancient Biblical places are still real, existing and thriving places.
Americans Have Freedom In Their DNA
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- By Tony Beam
Americans love liberty. Dissect the heart of a patriot and you will find the DNA of freedom. Listen closely to a patriot as he or she reveals the musings of their mind and you will hear a fixation on personal liberty. Just as nature abhors a vacuum, so a true American patriot abhors the thought of chains.
That is why tears well up in our eyes when we see the image and hear the voice of Ronald Reagan standing at the Berlin Wall telling Mr. Gobachev to tear it down. It is why we resonate with the words of Thomas Jefferson who said, “Liberty is to the collective body what health is to every individual body. Without health, no pleasure can be tasted by man; without liberty, no happiness can be enjoyed by society.”
The Fallen Morals of Congress
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- By Franklin D. Raddish
The Bible says in Psalm 33:12, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” (King James Bible) The Bible also says in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.” (King James Bible)
No longer are the halls of Congress filled with men of high moral character. Yes, we still have many people in Congress who have good moral character, but this number is quickly dwindling. It is heartbreaking to hear about those in Congress who were elected by the people of this country who have become moral failures. Many of our Founding Fathers were remarkable leaders because of their love for Jesus, family, and country. They were selfless servants of the people. But today many of those elected to Congress have become selfish masters of the people.