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Friday, February 7, 2025 - 07:08 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


The Democrat Party’s Immigration Road to Dominance

Stone Mountain Monument, Georgia
Stone Mountain Monument, Georgia

In 2004, the Republican Presidential candidate George W. Bush carried every Southern and Border State except Maryland. He carried Texas with 61 percent, Georgia with 58 percent, North Carolina with 56 percent, Virginia with 54 percent, and Florida with 52 percent.  

In 1972, Richard Nixon had carried Texas with 66 percent, Georgia with 76 percent, North Carolina with almost 70 percent, Virginia with 68 percent, and Florida with 72 percent. The South had been a bastion for conservative Republican support.

Donald Trump carried four of the same five states by small margins in 2016—Texas 52.6 percent, Georgia 50.4 percent, North Carolina 49.8 percent, Florida 49.0 percent, and lost Virginia, gaining only 44 percent of the vote. Most of Virginia was a solid Republican red on the map, but the massive Democrat vote in the Washington suburbs carried the state solidly for the Democrats.  But many Southern states gave him very strong margins. Trump got 62 percent of the vote in Alabama, and 61 percent of the vote in both Tennessee and Arkansas. West Virginia, which is culturally Southern, gave Trump almost 69 percent of the vote. Oklahoma, which is also culturally Southern gave Trump over 65 percent of the vote. However, the weakening trend in the Southern conservative bastions was obvious, and it was not simply the candidates and issues. It was demographic change resulting from largely uncontrolled legal and illegal immigration.

In 2020, Trump carried Texas with 52 percent, Florida with 51 percent, North Carolina by only 75,000 votes at 49.9 percent, and lost Virginia with only 44 percent. Trump lost the official final count in Georgia by 12,000 votes, but recent research published by Dinesh D’Souza in a video entitled, 2000 Mules,  indicates Democrat vote fraud in Fulton county alone may have been far in excess of that number.  Still, demographic changes are beating down Republican presidential wins in these five key states to bare wins or losses. Trump’s powerful margins in Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Oklahoma, however, equaled or slightly exceeded the 2016 results. 

The 2020 census figures, however, indicate immigration is making Republican victories in Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, and Virginia increasingly unlikely and may eventually erode Republican margins in other Southern and Border States.

This can be seen in the huge increase in the Hispanic population, which seems to be dramatically accelerating with each decade.  Moreover, President Biden’s  de facto open-door immigration policies, fully supported by the Democratic Party, have reached undreamed of levels, amounting to an invasion of millions of illegal immigrants uncontested by U.S. authority. This is not Democrat incompetence, although much Democrat incompetence is seen in almost every policy. This is a deliberate and so far successful attempt to gain political dominance by changing the ethnic composition of the country.

Over the last 60 years our immigration policies, and especially our lack of immigration enforcement, have strongly favored the Democrat Party. This is primarily because of Hispanic traditions and voting preferences for big government by two or three to one. With illegal immigrants, the Democrat advantage is probably over four to one.  Two Hispanic  subgroups, however, Cubans and the growing number of Evangelicals,  usually post Republican majorities. Only in the last two years have most  Hispanic voters begun to realize that illegal immigration and excess legal immigration actually do them economic harm.  Only African-Americans suffer more from illegal immigration and excessive cheap-labor immigration.

We could fix our immigration problems fairly easily except for two powerful groups.  First, the Democrats do not want immigration enforcement, because they hope to gain voters through immigration, enough to permanently dominate American politics and government.  The second group consists of both Democrats and Republicans who profit by importing cheap foreign labor—both legal and illegal. Nearly all Democrats in Congress favor loose immigration policies for votes, cheap labor, or both. Perhaps 20 to 25 percent of Republicans in Congress favor loose immigration policies because of heavy financial support from cheap-labor advocating corporations and industry associations. This donors-first-public-interest-ignored economic and political class is a primary contributor to national bipartisan ruin.    

The 2020 Census did not distinguish citizens from illegal immigrants, but if the Democrats get their way, more illegal immigrants may soon be voting.

Texas was once predominantly white (75 percent in 1990), but the 2020 census shows non-Hispanic whites to number only 39.7 percent. Hispanics number 39.3 percent, and African-Americans are 13 percent.

In Georgia, non-Hispanic whites have dropped to 50.1 percent. African-Americans are 32.3 percent, Hispanics have risen to almost 11 percent and Asians to over 5 percent.

In North Carolina, non-Hispanic whites are down to 60.5 percent. Whites were 69 percent in 2010 and 72 percent in 2000. African-Americans had risen to 22 percent in the 2020 Census, and Hispanics are now 11 percent. North Carolina was only about 4.3 percent Hispanic and 2010, and only 2.3 percent in 2000. Both political parties in North Carolina are heavily influenced by cheap-labor money. This has unfortunately been true of several Southern states.

Virginia is very similar to North Carolina with non-Hispanics whites at 60.3 percent, African-Americans at 21 percent, and Hispanics at 11 percent. Virginia, however, has an Asian population of almost 9 percent and is heavily populated by Federal Government employees.

Florida has a non-Hispanic white population of only 51.5 percent,  but its Hispanic population of 27 percent is more than 25 percent Cuban, amounting to about 7 percent. Cuban-Americans are traditionally conservative and strongly anti-Communist voters. African-Americans amount to 15 percent of the population, and Asians three percent.

Mississippi gave Trump a strong vote of 58 percent in 2020, but its strongly conservative  non-Hispanic white population is only 55 percent. Mississippi is nearly 38 percent African-American, but Hispanics are less than 4 percent.

Louisiana is about 56 percent non-Hispanic white and 33 percent African-American. The Hispanic population has reached 7 percent. Yet Trump was able to get 59 percent of the vote in 2020. 

Oklahoma is ethnically complex but very conservative. The 2020 Census showed 60.8 percent non-Hispanic whites, but close to 76 percent are considered white. About 16 percent of Oklahomans are descendants of Cherokee, Choctaw, or other native American tribes, but many of them are predominantly white as are many Hispanics.  African-Americans are about 10 percent, and Hispanics about 12 percent. Three percent are Asian. According to a Pew 2004 survey, Oklahoma has one of highest percentage of  Evangelical Protestant adults at 47 percent.

South Carolina gave Trump 55 percent of the vote in 2020. Just over 62 percent of the population classify themselves as non-Hispanic white. Just over 26 percent are African-American, and about 7 percent are Hispanic. 

Alabama’s population is 63.1 percent non-Hispanic white, 27 percent African-American, and 5 percent Hispanic. Forty-nine percent of Alabama adults are Evangelical Protestants.

Arkansas is 68.5 percent non-Hispanic white, 15 percent African-American, and has a relatively high 8.5 percentage of Hispanics. Arkansas Evangelical Protestants are 46 percent.

The 2020 Census showed Tennessee as having a non-Hispanic white population of 71 percent. The African-American population was 17 percent, and the Hispanic population, which had increased 175 percent from 2010 was 7 percent. Tennessee has the highest percentage of Evangelical Protestant adults at 52 percent.

Kentucky is a Southern-culture border state. One of the 13 stars of the Confederate battle flag is for Kentucky, which furnished 35,000  men to the Confederate armies. The Kentucky election map for 2020 is all red except for two counties, altogether giving Trump 62 percent of the vote. Twenty-six Kentucky counties gave Trump 80 percent or more of the vote. The non-Hispanic white population of Kentucky is 81.3 percent. African-Americans are 9.4 percent, and Hispanics under 5 percent. Forty-nine percent of Kentucky adults are Evangelical Protestants.

West Virginia is Southern in culture. According to a 1995 study by the George Tyler Moore Center,  approximately 21,000 West Virginia soldiers served in Confederate military units during the Civil War.  This was approximately equal to those serving in Union military units. Non-Hispanic whites are 89.1 percent of the population. Less than 5 percent are African-American, and under two percent Hispanic. Like most Southern States,  a high number of West Virginia adults are Evangelical Protestants, 39 percent.  Trump scored a 68.6 percent victory over Joe Biden in 2020. He won every county, 9 of them by over 80 percent.

In 1860, over 80 percent of first and second generation Missourians were immigrants from Southern and Border States. Like Kentucky, Missouri is one of the 13 stars in the Confederate battle flag. Over 40,000 Missourians served in Confederate armies. There was also strong Partisan resistance to Union occupying forces.  According to the 2020 Census, 75.8 percent of Missouri’s population consider themselves non-Hispanic whites. About 13 percent are African- Americans, and less than 5 percent are Hispanic. Trump got 57 percent of the vote in 2020.

Although Maryland was originally Southern and 30,000 Marylanders served in Confederate armies, only a few areas of Maryland retain much Southern culture. Most of urban Maryland is dominated by Federal Government influence and connections. Trump got only 32 percent of the vote there in 2020. Maryland is now only 50 percent non-Hispanic white, but the total white is close to 59 percent.  Maryland is 31 percent African-American and close to 5 percent Hispanic and three percent Asian

Thirteen of the 16 culturally Southern States listed here have 30 percent or greater percentages of Evangelical Protestants. Only Louisiana with 27 percent and 26 percent Catholic,  Florida with 24 percent and 21 percent Catholic,  and Maryland with 18 percent and 15 percent Catholic fall below 30 percent.

California is definitely not a Southern culture state, but it once had considerable Southern influence. Migration from the South made Orange County at one time the conservative ideological center of the United States. I voted for Ronald Reagan for Governor when I lived in Northern California.  He not only won but went on to be a great conservative President of the United States. California was once the truly the “Golden State.” Uncontrolled immigration has turned it into a nightmare example for other states to avoid. Trump got only 34.3 percent of the vote there in 2020. The 2020 Census showed California was 34.7 percent non-Hispanic white. In 1990, whites were approximately 69 percent. The 2020 Census showed California was 39.4 percent Hispanic, 17 percent Asian, and 6 percent African-American.

The Southern conservative Republican stronghold is being destroyed by immigration, and that puts us very near the brink of national destruction. Yet securing our borders seems only a talking point with no depth to most Southern Republican candidates for Congress and state legislatures. Serious discussion about enforcing immigration law at the workplace and reducing total immigration is not common. Yet because they will not address these problems, the future of American conservatism, the Republican Party, and the American Constitutional Republic are in imminent danger of perishing forever. Even just a  small amnesty would probably push the American Republic into an unrecoverable tailspin and final demise.

“My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge…”—Hosea 4:6


Mike ScruggsMike Scruggs is the author of two books: The Un-Civil War: Shattering the Historical Myths; and Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, and over 600 articles on military history, national security, intelligent design, genealogical genetics, immigration, current political affairs, Islam, and the Middle East.

He holds a BS degree from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Stanford University. A former USAF intelligence officer and Air Commando, he is a decorated combat veteran of the Vietnam War, and holds the Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, and Air Medal. He is a retired First Vice President for a major national financial services firm and former Chairman of the Board of a classical Christian school.

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