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Sunday, June 30, 2024 - 10:18 PM


First Published in 1994


Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907, Children of the Confederacy, Honors Veterans at November Veterans Appreciation Ceremony


The Creed of the Children of the Confederacy Organization states:

“Because we desire to perpetuate, in love and honor, the heroic deeds of those who enlisted in the Confederate Services, and upheld its flag through four years of war, we, the children of the South, have united in an Organization called the “Children of the Confederacy,” in which our strength, enthusiasm and love of justice can exert its influence. We therefore pledge ourselves to preserve pure ideas: to honor the memory of our beloved Veterans: to study and teach the truths of history (one of the most important of which is, that the War Between the States was not a rebellion, nor was its underlying cause to sustain slavery). And always to act in a manner that will reflect honor upon our noble and patriotic ancestors.”

Encouraging patriotic activities is one of the goals of the Children of the Confederacy. To fulfill their creed and their goals,the Joseph Evan Davis Chapter #907, Children of the Confederacy had the great privilege of honoring twelve veterans at a Veterans Appreciation Ceremony on Saturday, November 17, 2012, at the Museum and Library of Confederate History. The members of their sponsoring chapter, Winnie Davis No. 442, United Daughters of the Confederacy, also helped with the event. Andrew Myers, Joseph Evan Davis Chapter President, presided at the meeting. Jackson Tucker, Chapter Flag Custodian, led the pledges. Miss Allison Bolt, Chapter Chaplain, led in prayer. Chandler Tucker, Third Vice President, recited a poem entitled “Freedom Isn’t Free,” Matthew Myers, Chapter Vice President, recited a poem entitled “Veteran’s Day,”  and John Myers, Chapter Second Vice President, gave a reading entitled “The Veteran.” Andrew Myers led the ceremony honoring each one of the veterans in attendance. All brave men and women who nobly serve in our country’s military are worthy of honor, but this group of ladies and gentlemen hold a special place in the hearts of the Joseph Evan Davis Chapter. Mrs. Marjorie Adamson is the adopted veteran for the South Carolina Division of the Children of the Confederacy. “Miss Marge,” as she is affectionately known by the children, served in the US Navy during World War II, from 1943-1945, as a Navy WAVE. She was a nurse and a dental assistant in New York Harbor, Long Island, New York City, and Bayview, Maryland. Mr. Harold Granger attends church with eight of the chapter members. During World War II, Private Granger served in the U.S. Army 531st Engineer Shore Regiment, 1st Brigade. During the Normandy invasion, he was among the 1st to go in at Utah Beach, to clear mines, using his bayonet to search for the mines. He served his country from May 1943-January 1946. Mr. Ken Bledsoe also attends church with eight of the chapter members. Seaman Second Class Bledsoe served in the US Navy, General Duty, Norfolk, VA, during World War II. He served his country from June 1945-July 1946. Pastor Paul B. Chandler, Jr. is the great-grandfather of eight of the chapter members. He served his country in the US Army during World War II from 1943-1946. He was a MOS 766 High Speed Manual Radio Operator, part of the U.S. Army, 3220th Signal Service Company, the only unit of its kind, consisting of 18 five-member mobile radio teams scattered across Europe in WWII, with the purpose of establishing a coordinated communications network across Europe using one company, under the oversight of General Mark Clark, and under the command of General Dwight David Eisenhower. Staff Sergeant Chandler served as Team Chief in command of one of these five-member teams. His team was responsible for broadcasting from Omaha Beach on the first anniversary of the Normandy Invasion. He served in the United States at Ft. Jackson, SC; Camp Grant, IL; Camp Crowder, MO; and Camp Edison, NJ; and overseas in England, France and Belgium. Mr. Bob Dill kindly publishes many articles and pictures about our UDC and CofC Chapters in The Times Examiner. Colonel Dill served in the US Army from 1956-1980, with overseas service in Germany, Korea and Vietnam. Other areas of service were at the Pentagon; Ft. Hood, TX; Ft. Jackson, SC; Ft. Lee, VA and the CINCPAC Airborne Command Post in Hawaii. Mr. Sam Tucker is the grandfather of five of the chapter members. Sgt. E5 Tucker served in the United States Marine Corps, Greenville Reserve Unit, at Paris Island, Camp LeJeune; Viegos, Puerto Rico; and Hawthorne, NV from 1964-1970. Mr. Tom Tucker is the father of five of the chapter members. Sergeant Tucker served in the US Marine Corps, as a member of the USMC Reserves from 1987-1997, serving his  Active Duty in the Persian Gulf War 1990-1991 with the CSSD10 Combined Service Support Detachment, Ammunition Company of the 4th Supply Battalion, 4th Marine Division. Mr. Buck Hitt is the great-grandfather of one of the future chapter members. Sgt. E7 Hitt served in the Regular Army 108th Training Division. He was an instructor at Ft. Jackson S.C. and a graduate of 3rd Army Non-Commissioned Officers Academy at Ft. Jackson. He entered the Army in the summer of 1956, attending Army Basic Training after his high school graduation. In September of 1956, he enrolled at Clemson ROTC and was a member of the National Championship Clemson Persian Rifles Drill Unit. He served his country from 1956-1964. Mr. Donald Walter Campbell is the grandfather of a past member and Vice President of the chapter who is now a member of the UDC, and he is the grandfather of a past Honorary Division President of the CofC. He is also the great-uncle of the chapter’s Past President, who now belongs to the SCV. E5 2nd Class Petty Officer Campbell served in the US Navy on Active Duty from April 1967-October 1968. He served in Vietnam from November 1967-July 1968.  He was aboard the USS Valley Forge, a helicopter carrier and base for many Marines, and he served as a Radioman in the US Naval Reserves. Mr. Barton Cox has been supportive of the Chapter and has invited and encouraged new people to attend chapter meetings. E8 Senior Chief Electronics Technician Cox served in the US Navy on Active Duty July 1966-1970 at Naval Communications Station, Morocco, N Africa; Beach Jumper Unit 2, Norfolk, VA;  and on 2 different ships: USS William B. Pratt DLG13 and USS Plymouth Rock LSD 29. He served in the Naval Reserves from 1970-1994, and retired from the Naval Reserves with almost 29 years of total service in the US Navy. Mrs. Pamela Durham is godmother to three of the chapter members and is the Assistant Director of Joseph Evan Davis Chapter.  1st Lieutenant Durham served in the US Air Force in Desert Storm from 1990-1991.  She recently received a Military Service Award at the General Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia. She was a Mustang enlisted Commissioned Officer, who served her country from 1977-1997. Mr. Van Schaick is the husband of Martha Van Schaick, Past President General of the UDC  and current member of Winnie Davis UDC. Mrs. Van Schaick is the one who was instrumental in chartering the Joseph Evan Davis Chapter. Sergeant Ed Van Schaick served in the US Marine Corps Recon, with service in the US, Mediterranean, Okinawa, Vietnam (2 tours), Laos, and Cambodia from July 1962-July 1968. Each one of the veterans was individually escorted to the front of the room by members of the Children of the Confederacy to be recognized and honored and to be presented with a card and gift bag from the children. All in attendance were so appreciative of the brave sacrifices made by each one of these patriotic men and women. It was a great privilege to be able to honor them at the appreciation ceremony.   This tribute was a small token of appreciation for the debt owed to them and all who have fought to preserve our constitutional republic.

Young people with Confederate ancestry who wish to honor their Southern heritage and who would enjoy being with other young people who love the South are invited to visit our meetings. For more information, contact Pam Evans, Chapter Director, by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..