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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:26 AM


First Published in 1994


“They Went to the Sound of the Guns. They Were Saving People, but they Couldn't be Saved Themselves Because of the Ineptitude or the Political Chicanery of an Administration that doesn't even care about the Military.”

Seven hundred retired military Special Operations personnel who voluntarily put their lives on the line for their country, have signed a petition demanding that the U. S. House of Representatives convene a special (select) committee to uncover the answers to lingering questions about the Benghazi terrorist attack that killed a U. S. Ambassador and three others, including two Navy SEALs. Members of the Special Operations “brotherhood” ranging from four-star generals to Army privates signed the petition, according to a spokesman for the veterans group Special Operations Speaks. A letter to Congressional leaders contained 16 questions that veterans believe need better answers.

“I don’t think anything significant has been learned except that what is to be learned is of sufficient importance that the administration is pulling out all the stops to hide it,” said U. S. Navy (SEAL) Captain (Ret) Larry Bailey, a spokesman for SOS in an interview with WND TV.

Bailey said the administration’s mishandling of the crisis suggests culpability and possible criminal guilt on the part of some officials.

“The greatest indicator of culpability is the fact that the commander in chief, after having seen his troops under fire from a drone-mounted camera, after thirty minutes of being in the White House Situation Room, he excused himself and was never heard from since. He went to bed that night  and got up the next morning and flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser and never once – and this is according to former Defense Secretary  Leon Panetta and Hillary Clinton – never once called back to check and see how things were going,” Bailey said.

Bailey said the death of two SEALs put this issue front and center for his group. “It just breaks your heart to hear about those two guys living for seven hours and fighting for seven hours and knowing that they could have been rescued at any time during that time.

“They went to the the sound of the guns. They were saving people, but they couldn’t be saved themselves because of the ineptitude or the political chicanery of an administration that doesn’t care about the military,” he said.

Capt. Bailey told WND TV that he believes House Speaker John Boehner is part of the problem. Boehner takes the position that enough investigations have already taken place.

Not so, says Bailey. “The investigation that is enough is going to result in somebody going to jail or kicked out of office.”