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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 12:22 AM


First Published in 1994



“America needs more leaders that understand sacrifice and the satisfaction of being a part of something bigger than themselves,” exclaims Principal Radford of Wade Hampton High School as he speaks proudly of the JROTC Cadet winners at the awards ceremony last Wednesday night, May 8, 2013 before a packed crowd of parents and family members.

He goes on to say that the JROTC program gives the cadets the “building blocks” to prepare them for their future not only in military careers but also in civilian careers.

He believes these are the best students at WHHS and that they bring leadership to the student body. We had an opportunity to talk to three of the cadet student leaders that received awards and heard about their journey in the JROTC program and why they have enjoyed it so much.

Samuel Hipps, Freshman Cadet Technical Sergeant, won the Color Guard Basic Cadet Award. He also won the Outstanding Freshman Award and the Male Freshman Cadet for the Month award. He is at the core for everything! His motive for joining the corps goes many generations back. His great-grandfather was in the military and he wanted to follow in his steps. His goal in the corps is to become the Commander of the Color Guard. He also wants to join the Air Force after he graduates from high school.

David Barnett, a Junior Cadet Captain won the H.L. Hunley Award. The Sons of Confederate Veterans presented this award to him because he displayed the values of honor and commitment this school year just like the last crew of the Hunley in the Civil War. He strongly believes that he received this award because of the commitment displayed while leading as the “C” Flight Commander this past semester. He “kept the cadets in order,” exclaims Junior Cadet Captain Barnett.

His goal is to join the Air Force after he graduates next year and take one of two paths: Loadmaster and fly around the world or Public Affairs. He believes, “The JROTC program gives you a drive. You get out what you put in it.”

Alexicia Richardson, Freshman Airman, won the Tuskegee Airman Ribbon Award given because of her top performance and participation in the cadet corps. Similar to the original Tuskegee Airmen, she strove to excellence even in the face of adversity. She also received the Female Cadet of the Month award.

She believes, “the JROTC program brings the leadership out of people. I am feeling that now.” Her goal is to become “a better person at a higher rank.”

Airman Richardson faces incredible physical challenges everyday in the program, but she does not let those obstacles stop her from participating in the corps. She says, “I want to do everything everyone else does. I am getting my life back.”

Her goal after graduation is to join the Air Force and show other women that they can do anything they put their mind to even though she says that it is “a huge responsibility” for women in the military.

Cadet Technical Sergeant Hipps, Cadet Captain Barnett, and Airman Richardson are three of the many that received awards last Wednesday night, May 8, 2013. Their parents, Colonel Eatman, and Master Sergeant Clere, and the staff and students of WHHS are proud of their JROTC leaders…the future decision makers of our country.

Douglas McArthur’s definition of leadership is “A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.”

These JROTC cadets are just that…young men and women of the utmost integrity. Congratulations to the 2013 JROTC Cadets of WHHS!