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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:14 AM


First Published in 1994


Veterans without VA Healthcare must Get Obamacare or Have Assessment added to Their Income Tax.


Just a few weeks ago, the Veterans Administration cut the ribbon officially opening the new elaborate Greenville Outpatient Clinic. Politicians, developers and administrators heaped praise on each other on that occasion, however, a Town Hall Meeting held at the facility last Thursday was well attended by veterans with complaints. Their comments indicated that the elaborate clinic may be understaffed and less than responsive to some veterans’ alleged problems and concerns. Information provided regarding Obamacare did not add to the comfort level of most veterans.

Some of the concerns expressed by veterans are listed below:

1. Access to care - Why are no contracts/relationship with GHS taking place now. It’s been talked about, when will it happen?

2. Access to VA providers - Phone calls are unanswered or answered very late.

3. Enrollment in care taking too long for OIF/OEF vets.

4. Enhancements needed to new clinic: transport golf cart to bring vets to doors from cars if they are unable to walk; comment box should be placed in the lobby again; drop box for Rx refills should be placed in pharmacy again.

5. Doctors should call veterans and discuss health over phone instead of making them drive to Columbia.

6. A local Upstate Advisory Council for the VA Clinic should be established, (and is in progress).

7. Time from exams to follow-up is too long, outside providers should be contracted for reduction of delays.

Veterans in attendance were given information on how Obamacare “The Affordable Care Act” interfaces with VA Health Care. They stated that, “If you are enrolled in VA health care, you don’t need to take additional steps to meet the health care law coverage standards. The health care law does not change VA health benefits or veterans’ out-of-pocket costs. If you are not enrolled in VA health care, you can apply at any time.”

Veterans were told what would happen if they did not have health care coverage that meets the standards imposed by the Affordable Care Act:

“You do not have to make a payment if you have coverage that meets a minimum standard (called minimum essential coverage). If you have access to affordable coverage but remain uninsured starting in 2014, you may have to make payment when filing your taxes.

“This payment will either be a flat fee or a percentage of your taxable household income, depending on which amount is higher. This payment will be phased-in according to the schedule below.”

* $95 or 1 percent of your taxable income in 2014.

* $325 or 2 percent of your taxable income in 2015.

* $695 or 2.5 percent of your taxable income in 2016.