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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 02:18 AM


First Published in 1994


We Never Learn from History Because Factual History is Not Taught

Thousands of Americans died and even more were wounded in action in Vietnam. The wounded combat veterans would be handicapped for the remainder of their lives. The military won every battle during the Vietnam War, however, the Communist influence on members of congress led to the United States cutting off all funds for both the American and South Vietnamese military, and South Vietnam was abandoned to the Communist invaders without meaningful resistance.

The United States Army was betrayed, demoralized and pledged this would never happen again. Presidents Reagan and George W. Bush built up military strength and provided excellent leadership as commanders in chief and American troops scored a dramatic victory in Iraq.

In 2008, an individual was elected Commander–in-Chief of the American armed forces whose mother and grandparents had been active supporters of the Communist enemy during the Vietnam War.

Despite advice to the contrary, President Barack Hussein Obama ordered all American troops removed from Iraq. Now, what he was warned would happen is happening. The terrorists backed by Iran and pledged to destroy Israel and all things American in the region have taken control of two large Iraq cities.

Obama has also set a date for removing American troops from Afghanistan. The ultimate result there will be no different. The enemy will move in, kill or enslave those who cooperated with Americans and take control of the country and use it as a base to subvert and destroy American and Israeli interests in the region.

Younger Americans do not know the true history of the Vietnam War because they were never taught it in school, because a factual account was not in the textbooks and most teachers didn’t know the difference.

Lessons learned from Vietnam and ignored by the Obama regime include:

Never engage in a war that you don’t intend to win. “There is no substitute for victory.”

Never inform the enemy of a date you plan to end the war. This is elementary stupidity.

Never plan to remove all troops as soon as the war is won.

A civilian with no military training or experience should never be trusted with the lives of military personnel.

History has proven that when you defeat an enemy or successfully liberate the people of a country, you don’t abandon them. You allow them to form their own government; station troops there with a status of force agreement and become or remain a reliable ally.

We defeated Germany, Japan and Italy during WW II and 60 years later have troops on their soil and are strong allies.

We defended South Korea from a Communist invasion in 1950. South Korea has become a modern prosperous nation, because we have had troops stationed there helping to protect them and deter and prevent another invasion by North Korea.

We pulled our troops out of South Vietnam and a Communist dictatorship now rules them.

The South Vietnamese who worked with Americans and did not escape were put in re-education camps or executed. Many lost their lives attempting to escape the Communists.

President Obama is accomplishing two of his goals in Iraq and Afghanistan. He is aiding the Muslim Brotherhood and he is destroying the United States military and their will to fight.

The coming unnecessary bloodbaths in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Egypt were predicted, warnings were issued and short of Divine intervention they will come to pass.