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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 04:23 AM


First Published in 1994



General James Amos, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps, has been loyal to the current Commander-in-Chief. Troops have been gritting their teeth and asking why their fearless leaders are allowing Barack Obama to literally destroy their beloved service branch during wartime.

Remaining silent in the midst of a storm ended for General Amos recently while speaking to the liberal Brookings Institute think tank. During that address, the 4-star general who is set to retire in the fall, openly and publicly criticized Barack Husein Obama.

During an interview on Fox News, Lt. Col. Ollie North commended the Commandant for his courage. Reporters expressed surprise that a senior officer would dare question White House and Pentagon policy.


Gen. Amos criticized administration policy and actions in three important areas:

• Paving the way for the emergence of the Islamic State and Iraq (ISIS) by completely withdrawing American troops in 2011.

“I have a hard time had we been there , and worked with the government, and worked with parliament, and worked with the minister of defense, the minister of interior, I don’t think we’d be in the same shape we’re in today,” said Gen. Amos.

• Failing to live up to U. S. obligations around the world.

General Amos said, “We may think we’re done with all of these nasty, thorny, tacky little things that are going on around the world. - and I’d argue that if you’re in that nation, it’s not a tacky, little thing for you. We may think we’re done with them,but they’re not done with us. We’re probably the only cuntry in the world that has the resources and the capability to be able to do some of this that others can’t.”

• Forfeiting gains made in Iraq and Afghanistan for which U. S. troops had fought and sacrificed.

Referring to the fall of Anbar province in Iraq, which Marines won in 2010 and in which 852 Marines were killed and another 8,500 injured, The seasoned General concluded: “It breaks our hearts. They believed that they’d made a difference.”

At least one four-star general has the courage to speak the truth in defense of our Constitutional republic and the troops who serve and protect her. Thank God for James Amos and others who serve with integrity.