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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:20 AM


First Published in 1994


DrAlSnyder-1Staff Report

Times Examiner columnist

Dr. Al Snyder, told the Green-ville American Legion Post in their monthly meeting last Tuesday that the Israel of today is still the nation that is special to God, just as it was during Biblical times. The Jewish people of Israel today are still "God's Chosen  People," according to "the everlasting covenant" made by God with Abraham some four thousand years ago.

Snyder is also a U.S. military veteran, having served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps during the Korean War.. Snyder completed a nine-months-long course in microwave radio at Ft. Monmouth, N.J., graduated at the head of his class, and then was assigned to serve as an instructor. He also served for 21 years as a Christian missionary in Liberia, West Africa, and in Antigua, West Indies. Following that he served as a mass communications professor at Liberty  University for 17 years and at North Greenville University for five years. He retired in 1998, and began writing for The Times Examiner in 1999.

In his address to an audience of more than 125 American Legion veterans, who were assembled for their special Thanksgiving dinner and assembly, Dr. Snyder drew attention to the role of the "Hand of God" in Jewish and Israeli history, going back to their deliverance from 400 years of slavery in Egypt to their conquering and possession of their Promised Land.

God also prophesied the dispersion of the Jewish people among the nations of the world, following the years in which almost all of the kings of both Israel and Judah disobeyed God's Word and indulged in idolatry.

But God also promised that He would regather the Jewish people to their ancient homeland and re-establish their ancient nation, which He did in 1948, just 66 years ago now. God's promises for the future include protecting and preserving the nation from any defeat by its enemies, and also agricultural and political prosperity for the new nation.

Dr. Snyder and his wife have developed a long-time interest in Israel and have visited Israel eight times. He has also been working with fellow South Carolinian author Dr. Earl Cox, writing articles for the Jerusalem Post website, the Christian World section. Snyder concluded his talk to the Legionaires by urging them to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem."