Opponent of Women in Combat Believes Decisions should be made by Congress
Just before Christmas the Obama Administration decided to require women to serve in all combat arms positions. The Army and Marine Corps resisted the decision until it was decided. Now they are charged with implementation. Any commander who is less than enthusiastic about implementation is looking at the end of his career in an unpleasant manner. Last week the chiefs of the Army and Marine Corps testifying before Congress said it is now time for women to register for selective service. This means that civilian women could find themselves in a national emergency lugging a heavy load of ammo and equipment crawling around in the mud engaged in the deadly game of life or death, depending on the strength and determination of the opponent.
Responding to questions from Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said, “ I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft.”
“Every American who’s physically qualified should register for the draft,” said Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller.
Center for Military Readiness President Elaine Donnelly insists that the Congress should be the ones deciding all matters pertaining to the draft and women in combat roles. Donnelly is calling on women across the nation to “wake up and take a stand against cultural forces that are fighting tooth-and-nail to destroy their spirit and their families.”
The purpose of the draft is to procure “combat replacements.” When a national emergency arises, it is too late for people to start complaining about their daughters being drafted and being assigned to the infantry.
As soon as you put on the uniform and take the oath of office, all rules are subject to change for the “needs of the service.” You can complain all the way to your grave with no results.
Two Jordan High School classmates joined the army in 1950. They were trained to be cooks at Fort Knox Kentucky and assigned to a unit in Japan. When troops were needed for the Inchon Invasion, the cooks were handed a rifle and dropped off on the rocky Korean shore. Both survived, however one lasted only about 5 minutes before he was severely wounded and evacuated to a hospital in Japan.
Donnelly believes adding women to any potential draft to be “militarily disastrous and administratively unworkable.” She said it would be very expensive and time consuming to sort out the women who were fit to fight in the infantry from all who would be drafted.
She said the data compiled by the Marine Corps proves what everyone knows but no one wants to admit.
“Women and men are not physical equals in direct ground combat. Physical differences matter: speed, the ability to carry heavy loads, to march long distances to have accurate marksmanship at the end of the march. Fatigue matters.”
Donnelly fears involvement of women in fierce ground combat is a disservice to them and those around them.
“It’s really not a fair thing to do. It may be equal, but it’s not fair because in direct ground combat, women do not have the physical capability and equal opportunity to survive or to help fellow soldiers to survive. I hope we never have to reinstate the draft, but if we do, young men are better equipped to deal with that than young women are.”
Presidential candidates should be pressed to provide their positions regarding women serving in ground combat units and registering for the draft.