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Sunday, February 9, 2025 - 09:59 AM


First Published & Printed in 1994


Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America Podcast

Sounding the Alarm Over the WHOs Attack

Hi. I’m Peter Navarro, its February 22, 2023, and in this edition of the Taking Back Trump’s America podcast, I want to sound the alarm over an upcoming meeting at the World Health Organization that may drag the United States deeper into the morass of this corrupt world body, further burden the US taxpayers, and further cede American sovereignty to a puppet international organization controlled by Communist China.

By way of history, at the beginning of the assault on America by the Chinese Communist Party virus a.k.a. Covid 19, in the early part of 2020, the World Health Organization failed miserably in its most important mission – protect the world from the ravages of the pandemic. Consider this timeline:

In early January of 2020, Steve Bannon was launching his now top-rated show War Room Pandemic – note the word “pandemic” in the War Room title. Meanwhile, in late January, I’m going into the Situation Room at the White House arguing on behalf of President Trump AGAINST Dr Anthony Fauci and Mick Mulvaney for the travel ban on China; and, to close the deal, I had to issue a memo that presciently said that a pandemic could likely kill millions of Americans and cost the US economy trillions of dollars. Note again, this early reference to a pandemic.

Not so curiously enough, it would take World Health Organization and its corrupt Director Tedros until March 11, 2020 to actually declare that a pandemic was underway. And we now know that Tedros and the World Health Organization held off to appease Communist China which was doing everything at the time to deny its heinous involvement in starting the pandemic. We now know, of course, too, the virus almost certainly came from a lab in Wuhan, that Dr Evil, a.k.a. Anthony Fauci, helped fund the gain of function research used to develop what essentially is a bioweapon, and Tedros himself was deep in the pocket the Chinese Communist Party.

Because President Trump had no interest in financing an international organization with US taxpayer money that was joined at the hip with Communist China and could not be relied on to protect the American people, he officially withdrew from the WHO on July 7, 2020. Three cheers for that.

Demonstrating once again that elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences, Joe Biden, in one of his first official acts as president, not only rejoined the WHO. He also appointed Fauci – the guy who started the pandemic to begin with – to represent the United States at the World Health Organization. You really can’t make this up.

Comes now the meeting of the WHO’s Intergovernmental Negotiating Body from February 27 to March 3 to consider an agreement that would ensure that American taxpayers continue to be the biggest financier of the WHO even as that agreement further weakens control of the WHO by the United States.

The putative goal of the so-called Zero Draft of the pandemic accord is to protect the world from future pandemics. Fair enough. But right off the bat, the accord “recognizes the central role of the World Health Organization… in pandemic prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.  And, of course, the proposed accord pays homage to “fostering multilateral cooperation in global health governance” and a “one health approach.” What the heck. Why do we need borders and nations at all?

And of course is no shortage of woke rhetoric in the draft which “reaffirms the importance of diverse, gender balanced, and equitable representation and expertise in pandemic prevention.” In other words, don’t pick the best possible people to prepare for a pandemic. Put that woke stuff first – anybody get sick of this woke crap yet? Yet, here’s more:

One of the goals of the accord is to “develop a mechanism to ensure the fair and equitable allocation of pandemic -related products based on public health risks and needs.” So if the US develops a therapeutic or vaccine that it produces, this sounds like the US will commit shipping at least some of that offshore even if America’s needs aren’t met.

And for those devotees of Buy American Hire American like me, this one might chill your veins: The accord will commit the United States to “manufacturing capacity that is more equitably, geographically, and strategically distributed.” In other words, under this accord, Big Pharma will be green lit to do what I fought for four years in the White House to stop those bastards from doing – offshore their production around the world rather than producing in the good old U. S. Of A. Did I mention there are repeated references in the accord to the so-called “TRIPS” agreement which protects the intellectual property of Big Pharma – I wonder who helped write this draft. L frigging O L.

And here’s another little nugget – the US is going to have to commit to “harmonize” his regulations rather than do what we think best.

Okay. All of that was just our prelude. Now we get down to the final elements that are most offensive and/or dangerous. For starters, Article 19 of the accord, commits every signatory to provide a certain percentage of their gross domestic product. Because America has the largest gross domestic product, American taxpayers will once again foot the bill for an international organization comprised of many countries that simply hate us.

Then we come now to Article 20 which establishes the Governing Body for this whole cluster you know what. This Governing Body will have a “supreme organ” – yep supreme organ – that will constitute the sole decision-making organ.” It will be composed of all the countries that are party to the organization  so this clause looks like one country one vote to me. 

Doing the math here, this clause means Somalia and the United States will have the same voting power even though the United States contributes hundred of times more than that of Somalia to financing this thing. Just like NATO, just like the United Nations, just like every international body that Uncle Sucker signed up for – we foot the bill and have far less say than we should have.

It gets worse: As the administrative organ of this accord, the organization will have two Presidents and four Vice-Presidents and, here’s the kicker, “if efforts to reach consensus are deemed by the Presidents to be unavailing, decisions may be taken by voting by the President and Vice-Presidents. In other words, all Communist China has to do to control this Governing Body is to do when it has done, for example, at the United Nations – stack the ruling deck with its people and then jam decisions up the wazoo of the American people.

And of course, there will be a Secretariat of the Governing Body which, chances are, Communist China will put in place as well.

My bottom line is that we should look very carefully at what is about to happen at this World Health Organization meeting beginning February 27 – put it on your calendar.

I have no faith whatsoever in the Biden regime protecting the American people in these deliberations. But, and here’s the punchline yet again for Taking Back Trump’s America, if Donald Trump were President, he would make damn well sure that our voting power politically on this body was equal to the percentage of funding that we provide to the WHO. That still wouldn’t guarantee us we would not get taken to the cleaners, but it would put us in the much better position. 

Of course, if President Trump asked me in the Oval Office as to whether we should withdraw once again from the WHO, I would say “Hell yes”, at least until we can find a way for this woke, Communist Chinese puppet to stop screwing America and we taxpayers. Peter Navarro. Out. 
