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Monday, July 1, 2024 - 06:13 PM


First Published in 1994


The Myrtle Beach Tea Party’s 2018 convention was held on January 20-22, with national issues discussed on the weekend and S.C. issues on Monday.  The convention was put on by Joe Dugan, Founder and Executive Producer of the Convention; Gerri McDaniel, South Carolina State Director for the Donald Trump Campaign; and numerous volunteers.  The event was held at the Crown Reef Resort which offered a great venue for the conference against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean.

The conference was emceed by Donna Fiducia, former Fox News anchor, and her husband Don Neuen, who now producestheir Cowboy Logic Radio show (cowboylogic.us).  They did an excellent job and helped make the conference a huge success.  There was such an incredible lineup of speakers that it is impossible to do justice to the conference by writing an article, which couldn’t possibly cover all the material presented.  Fortunately, Joe Dugan had the conference professionally videotaped and streamed live over the Internet, and now posted and archived on their Youtube channel.  It was said that President Trump was watching some of it live.  Therefore, it is highly recommended that our readers go to the Myrtle Beach Tea Party’s Youtube channel to watch the speakers at: www.youtube.com/user/teapartymovie.  

As a guide to help search through the online content, the following is the list of speakers and a brief description of their speeches:

Lt. Gov. Kevin Bryant summarized his gubernatorial platform.

Foreign policy expert Gordon Chang discussed North Korea.

President Trump’s former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski talked about Trump’s election and the book he just co-authored with David Bossie about the campaign, entitled Let Trump Be Trump.

Stephen Coughlin, an attorney, former intelligence officer and specialist on Islam and the Progressive Left,  discussed their strategies to overthrow America.

Politichicks Panel Discussion - Politichicks (https://politichicks.com/) is a political news and activist group run by actress Morgan Brittany, Ann-Marie Murrell and Sonya Sasser.  They discussed traditional feminism in a panel discussion moderated by Josh Bernstein who has his own Youtube show.  He also is the National Spokesman for the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), a conservative alternative to the liberal AARP.

Next was Bill Mitchell, who became famous overnight on the Internet when he started his website Your Voice America (yourvoiceamerica.tv) in June 2016 during Donald Trump’s campaign, and consistently predicted his victory.  Six months into the campaign, MIT ranked him as 26th in the nation in political influence.  He now has over 1.5 million listeners a month.

Dr. James Mitchell, who helped developed the CIA’s advanced interrogation program, spoke about what muslim terrorists have told him about why they must destroy America.

Tom Fitton, head of Judicial Watch, then spoke about government corruption and his group’s fight to obtain records such as Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Kevin Jackson, a conservative black political commentator and author who frequently appears on FOX News, spoke about President Trump’s election and the current political situation with humor.

Lucretia Hughes, an African-American lady involved in Republican politics in Atlanta, thanked God for President Trump and said that she couldn’t leave her house for five days after his election because she had a Trump bumper sticker on her car and she feared for her safety.  She even once had a gun pulled on her.

Clare Lopez, a 20-year CIA veteran and an expert on Islam, spoke next on what she calls the “Red-Green Axis,” i.e. the alignment of Muslim terrorists with the far Left.

Josh Bernstein then closed out the day by speaking about preserving our liberty.

Admiral Ace Lyons spoke about our decimated military under the Democrats, Islamic jihad, etc.
John Guandolo, a U.S. Naval Academy graduate, former Marine, FBI counter-terrorism special agent, and founder of understandingthethreat.com, spoke next about Islam, the Marxist movement, and the traitors fighting with them.  He said “This is a war, and we need to start acting like it.”
Suzanne Shattuck, an ER nurse, cofounded Part of the Solution Learning, an organization to train groups and individuals in survival and self-reliance (ruggedreliance.com).  She sees many problems such as rampant drug abuse in the ER,  so she started her organization to train informed citizens to survive the coming trouble ahead.
Kevin Shipp, a decorated CIA veteran and whistleblower, then spoke about the shadow government and how it has taken over our constitutional government.  He wrote a book entitled From the Company of Shadows explaining this usurpation of power based upon his own personal experiences.   
Greg Cummings from Iowa, a Gulf War veteran, is VP of the U.S. First Defense Coalition.  He has traveled to all of the continental 48 states speaking.  He was inspired when Nancy Pelosi read the names of veterans on the terrorist watch list.  He spoke about American history and border control.
Trevor Loudon, a New Zealand-born expert on marxism and socialism, then spoke about how Donald Trump’s election was a reprieve for America, and how America is the last hope for the world.  We are an inspiration and model for the world.  He said that Trump can cause the collapse of the Democrats, and that what we are seeing is the Democrats’ “Tet Offensive,” and we must hold the line because they are running out of ammo.

Ambassador Henry Cooper then introduced Dr. Peter Pry.  They spoke about a possible  Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack or solar storm which could incapacitate America’s electrical grid.  Dr. Pry showed a telegraph key from the 1800s, noting how well it was constructed, and said that in the 1859 Carrington Event, a massive global solar storm, such telegraph keys were irreparably-damaged.  An EMP Commission was recently dissolved by the Deep State, after studies have predicted that 90% of Americans would die within one year of such a catastrophe due to the destruction of our electrical infrastructure.

Conservative comedian Evan Sayit followed with a comical, informative speech on his “Unified Field Theory of Liberalism,” the most watched Heritage Foundation lecture ever.  

Daniel Greenfield, a writer with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, then spoke about the nonviolent civil war in which we are currently engaged with the left.  He fears this conflict is about to turn violent.

Adam Andrzejewski is the founder and CEO of OpenTheBooks.com, the world’s largest private database of government spending.  Appearing on numerous TV news programs, he speaks about government spending and waste.  Any citizen can track government expenditures on his website.

The Sunday program ended with an enthralling speech by Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, USAF (Ret.), who spent two years carrying the nuclear “football” for President Bill Clinton.  He told firsthand of how Clinton lost the nuclear codes for possibly several months, during which America could have been annihilated.  Lt. Col. Patterson finally retired in disgust and went to fly as a commercial pilot, then retired to campaign for Donald Trump.  He wrote the books Dereliction of Duty and Reckless Disregard about his experiences with the Clintons and the damage to our military and national security by leftist politics.

The Monday session dealt with South Carolina issues.  

S.C. Treasurer Curtis Loftis first spoke, primarily explaining the V.C. Summer nuclear plant project fiasco, and how citizens were sold down the river by incompetent and corrupt officials.

Pastor Mark Burns, of the Harvest Praise and Worship Center of Easley, S.C., followed with a rousing speech about Donald Trump and his election.  Pastor Burns was called “Donald Trump’s Top Pastor” by Time Magazine.  His Christian NOW Television Network reaches 15 million homes in the U.S. and Canada.

Ambassador Henry Cooper spoke again about efforts in S.C. to prepare for an EMP event.  Due to government incompetence in dealing with this issue, he is working with Duke Energy at Lake Wylie to prepare their nuclear reactor for such a catastrophe.  He said it is when, not if, such an event will occur.

An interview of the gubernatorial candidates followed, except for Gov. Henry McMaster, who was absent.  A series of prepared questions was asked to each candidate separately.  Lt. Gov. Kevin Bryant, Catherine Templeton, and Sen. Yancy McGill attended.  

Seth Powell of Freedom Action Network of S.C. then spoke about government corruption in S.C.  He said that “corruption is the core issue that we face as taxpayers and citizens in S.C.”  He said that all the other issues of corruption that were discussed stem from the concentration of power in the hands of a few in S.C.

Dr. Matthew Clark, Executive Director of Personhood S.C., spoke about protecting the unborn.  He noted that this very day of the conference was the 45th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision, and that that Supreme Court has the blood of over 60 million babies on its hands.

Attorney General Alan Wilson spoke about defending the rule of law in S.C.

Senator Tom Davis then spoke about the S.C. gas tax hike.  

Jeff Davis, an accountant from Greenville talked about school choice and his efforts to get real, private school choice legislation passed in S.C.  

Drew McKissick, Chariman of the S.C. GOP, talked about party registration and stopping Democrats from voting for liberal candidates in the Republican primaries.

The final speaker was Chris Carnevale of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.  He spoke further about the V.C. Summer nuclear power plant fiasco.  He summed it up in one sentence: “Monopolies, set up by the government, have been taxing us, killing competition, and taking away our freedom.”  

All the citizens of S.C. owe a debt of gratitude to Joe Dugan, Gerri McDaniel, all the fine speakers and volunteers that made the conference such a success.  Please watch their videos at youtube.com/user/teapartymovie and remember that we are in a war for the future of our great country, and thank God for sending President Trump to lead us to victory.