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Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 08:25 PM


First Published in 1994


SEATTLE -- In response to the growing threat of political correctness and progressive politics within the conservative evangelical establishment, Peter Lumpkins, Associate Professor of Christian Studies at Truett McConnell University in Cleveland, Georgia, recently stated, "...the little guy in the church" is "standing up against a massive network of big evangelicalism," which he believes is leaning excessively to both the theological and political left. This is not setting well for the traditional Southern Baptist and he states, "A denomination earthquake is imminent." 

Although Albert Mohler was once considered a credible voice for Christians, due to his move to the left, the tide appears to be changing. Lumpkins posted a chart of internet traffic suggesting the influence of Mohler and his fellow traveler, Russell Moore, president of Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, are losing support among conservative internet users. Instead, they are turning to other voices, such as Pulpit & Pen and Reformation Charlotte, who are exposing the activity of cultural Marxists and the politics of the social justice warriors coming from Southern Baptist Seminaries and council members of The Gospel Coalition.

In addition, Reverend Thomas Littleton's thorough research has played a major role in the distribution of information that has methodically laid out the facts for Christians concerned about the liberal bent in once Christian Conservative bodies. In response to his own findings, Littleton was the first to raise the question in his 2017 article published in SBC Today titled "Is this the Evangelical deep state?" Littleton's research has also been instrumental in exposing Albert Mohler's compromise on LGBTQ issues.

Christians outside of the United States are also warning about the extent of Albert Mohler's error. In November 2019, Dr. E.S. Williams, a member of Charles Spurgeon's London Metropolitan Tabernacle and author of many books released a video titled "The Stain of Albert Mohler." This eye-opening documentary proves "False teaching is infiltrating the Southern Baptist Convention in the form of critical race theory, an offshoot of Cultural Marxism." Williams stated, "At the center of this compromise stands Albert Mohler, President of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary." 

Christian conservatives emphasize there are two sides to Albert Mohler, and if he is elected the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention more deception and error is sure to follow.

For further research, read Political Correctness: A Deceptive and Dangerous Worldview.