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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 02:28 AM


First Published in 1994


To President Trump, the United States Congress and the United Nations: 

The CCP has circumvented the rule of law by issuing a National Security Law that would crush all dissent in Hong Kong. 

The National People's Congress (NPC) has passed a law bypassing Hong Kong's own Legislative Council. A top official quoted in the CCP-owned China Daily stated that the new law is merely "to protect Hong Kong residents from the criminal acts of a small number of extremists." 

In practice, however, this law can be used to crush free speech, criticism, protest and dissent. Countless Chinese dissidents have been jailed on groundless charges of "subversion." Hong Kong activists rightly fear that this new law will render dissent, or even political discourse, a criminal offense. It represents the end of "one country, two systems." 

Equally worrisome, the new law implies that security forces from mainland China, such as the Ministry of State Security, will be set up in Hong Kong. According to a second article in China Daily, "The NPC draft decision has also stipulated that organs of national security of the central government will set up agencies in Hong Kong, whose operation will be according to law." 

We stand with the people of Hong Kong, who have suffered so terribly in their struggle to maintain the autonomy promised them. We commend the actions the U.S. government has already taken to disengage economically from the PRC, including the May 27 declaration that Hong Kong is no longer autonomous, and President Trump's announcement that the US will end Hong Kong's trade privileges. These tragic actions should be blamed on the CCP, whose shameless maneuvers and raw power grabs have brought us to this point. We likewise acknowledge the joint statement issued by the governments of the United States, UK, Australia and Canada, condemning China's violation of the "one country, two systems" policy promised in the 1997 transfer of power from British to Chinese rule. 

The global community needs to protect international security and economic interests. On the table should be various economic and financial sanctions, such as those recommended by the Committee on the Present Danger: China. In addition, we need to hold individuals accountable through the Global Magnitsky Act

We also need to increase our commitment to the people of Taiwan, especially in light of the ominous statement by a top Chinese general that China will attack Taiwan to stop independence. Hong Kong now, Taiwan next? 

Taiwan is opening its arms to Hong Kong citizens who want to resettle in the face of the tightening grip of the CCP. We call upon the United States and governments the world over to do the same. 

Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President, Women's Rights Without Frontiers

Jing Zhang, Founder and President, Women's Rights in China