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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 04:20 AM


First Published in 1994


Prominent Black Americans to join Star Parker against Black Lives Matter movement to remove Freedmen’s Statue

WASHINGTON, DC -- Star Parker and UrbanCURE will hold a peaceful “Emancipation Celebration” at the Freedmen’s Memorial in Lincoln Park, 12th and Capitol St, SE Washington, DC 20003, Tuesday, July 14th, 2020, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST, where all are welcome to gather to discuss the truth of the statue, and the absolute necessity for maintaining it as it stands today.

On the importance of maintaining the statue, Star Parker said:

“Before BLM demands that white folk learn black history, perhaps black folk like DC Mayor Bowser and congressional Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton need to learn more black history. Archer Alexander is not kneeling; as a track star prepared to run a dash, the kinetic motion in this figure shows him just emancipated to stand and run his race as a free man.”

This Freedmen’s Statue should not only remain standing in Lincoln Park, but this is the sacred location where President Trump should place the new Memorial Park he envisions to honor great American heroes who worked tirelessly to unify the races – to be named Unity Park.”

Amidst the violent and misguided protests of the Black Lives Matter movement, Ms. Parker, founder of UrbanCure and syndicated columnist and author of Necessary Noise (Center Street), is providing a voice for those left unheard. UrbanCure has more than 1,000 clergy from across the country in its network.

Recently, many of those associated with the leftist BLM movement have defaced and toppled historical statues across the country, claiming that they are rooted in racism and must be destroyed.

One of the most controversial statues has been the “Freedmen’s Memorial” in Lincoln Park in Washington DC, as many BLM sympathizers have decried it for representing a kneeling slave, being subjugated by President Abraham Lincoln.