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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 08:19 AM


First Published in 1994


A “sold out” crowd of 1500 or more wildly cheering American Patriots held a combination TRUMP RALLY and BLEXIT 2020 (Black Exit from the Democrat Party) EVENT on the afternoon and evening of September 12.  The audience of white and black Patriots and Christians listened, cheered, chanted, and yelled their approval of well-known Constitutional Patriots, all of whom were determined to never “bend their knee” to any man, and do so only to their Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah.

Speakers and motivators for this Blexit event included famous author and filmmaker, Dinesh D’Souza, North Carolina candidate for Lt. Governor, Mark Robinson (a black Christian “raging bull” who should run for POTUS), Brandon Tatum (a black former police officer in Phoenix, Arizona and a co-founder of “Blexit”), Will Witt (of Prager University), Larry Elder, (a famed black talk radio host), and, of course, Candace Owens, a brave black lady who proudly informed the approving audience that she and her husband were “six months pregnant”. 

D’Souza spoke at length about the destructive forces of socialism that have decimated and destroyed countries throughout recent history, and reviewed the sordid and disreputable history of the Democrat Party in the U.S., a party that was formed in the 1820’s for the purpose of providing protection in the Southern AND Northern states for the continuation of the slave plantation system.  All of the other speakers spoke of their Christian faiths and how they had come to accept Christ as their Savior (mostly through the faithful witness of acquaintances, friends, co-workers, and family), and how important it is for black Americans to regain the traditional cohesiveness of the nuclear family that once characterized black America, until they were seduced by President Lyndon Johnson and his lying fellow Democrats to accept “free” government chains, thus tying themselves for generations to the federal “plantation system” that has destroyed the majority of black families for the past several generations.

North Carolina Lt. Governor candidate, Mark Robinson, one of the most powerful speakers I’ve ever heard, spoke of the history and unity of the historic black community and how that unity, under Christ and under the U.S. Constitution that so many black patriots have died to support, is badly needed again.  Those of you who live in N.C. will have an opportunity, in November, to vote FOR this strong Christian Patriot.    Brandon Tatum, Will Witt, and Larry Elder spoke on their life stories and how they came to become Christians and patriots. 

Candace Owens concluded the event with a rousing warning to all Americans, and especially to “Black America”, as reported by Radio Station WORD, that’s it’s “time to stop pretending.  We’ve been lied to.  We’ve been told that systemic racism and bigotry is holding us back.  We’ve been told that police brutality is killing us off one by one.  The reality is, we were once a strong community built on love, endurance, and family.  All of that has been replaced by government dependence and an illogical allegiance to (Democrat) leaders that have rotted our values.  America, it’s time we recognize our blessings.  We live in the freest, most opportunistic country in the entire world!  We’re fighting for a nation that’s united by timeless ideas, Western values, and a collective commitment to empowering all American individuals across the country!” 

To listen to this event, sponsored by the Greenville Tea Party, visit the ‘Facebook’ page of Station WORD 106.3.