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Thursday, July 4, 2024 - 12:25 PM


First Published in 1994


Rev. Mahoney and other activists peacefully blocking the entrance to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. last week as they called for freedom in Hong Kong
Rev. Mahoney and other activists peacefully blocking the entrance to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C. last week as they called for freedom in Hong Kong

WASHINGTON -- Mr. Blinken is Vice-President Biden's nominee for Secretary of State who serves as the President's chief foreign affairs adviser and conducts negotiations relating to U.S. foreign policy.

In the past, Mr. Blinken supported Congress permanently normalizing with China and paving the way for the country's entry into the World Trade Organization in spite of serious human rights abuses.

As Deputy Secretary of State under President Obama, he failed to understand and address the rising persecution and oppression of the Uighurs in Xinjiang Province.

Mr. Blinken is a co-founder of WestExec Advisors which helps clients expand market access and pursue commercial activities in China.

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and an activist for human rights in China for 40 years, states;

"The nomination of Antony Blinken for the position of Secretary of State raises serious concerns about Mr. Blinken's commitment to human rights in China and Hong Kong. WestExec Advisors helping clients expand business ties in China is also alarming since working with companies in China is dealing directly with the Communist Party of China and their policies.

"Some of the questions that must be addressed during his Senate confirmation hearing should include:

  • Did any of the clients Mr. Blinken advised have relationships with companies in Xinjiang?
  • Did any of Mr. Blinken's clients work with companies involved with forced labor?
  • Does Mr. Blinken currently have any personal business dealings with in China?
  • Has Mr. Blinken ever advised or consulted with Vice-President Biden, Hunter Biden or any entities connected to the Biden family regarding business dealing in China?
  • Does Mr. Blinken know of any business dealings between Vice-President Biden, Hunter Biden or anyone connected with the Biden family and China?
  • What are Mr. Blinken's views and positions regarding the brutal crackdown by the Chinese government against Hong Kong?
  • Why did the Obama Administration fail to address the growing persecution of the Uighurs while Mr. Blinken was Deputy Secretary of State?"

SOURCE Christian Defense Coalition