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Friday, July 5, 2024 - 12:20 AM


First Published in 1994


 The Cuban people have a dream: Freedom from communist oppression. Although their cry for freedom has been brutally suppressed, Americans hear their voices. Answering the plea of the Cuban people, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) just launched a new campaign, Free Cuba Now!

"If you love true freedom, please support the Cuban people in their noble fight to shake off the yoke of communism," said TFP vice-president, John Horvat II. "Our team was in St. Augustine today collecting petitions on the streets for Cuba's freedom. The petition urges President Biden to help Cuba get rid of communism."

"Within hours, more than 11,203 people signed the petition," explained Horvat. "Grassroots support is picking up fast."

Read the full petition here: www.TFP.org/freecuba

"Communism is evil and a grave sin against God," reads the petition addressed to President Biden. "It is a crime against humanity. Let us be rid of Communism once and for all! Please take the lead in denouncing this scandalous Soviet leftover that continues to oppress the Cuban people."

Young volunteers with the American TFP will be touring the state of Florida over the next two weeks to rally support for Cuba's freedom.

"The only way to restore peace in Cuba is to root out the communist cancer that has crippled, impoverished and enslaved the Cuban people for 62 years," said Horvat. "Everyone is invited to sign the petition to President Biden, urging him to end Cuba's Communist regime once and for all."


The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) promotes the perennial values of Christian civilization. Since its founding in 1973, the organization of lay Catholics has been vocally opposing the errors of communism and socialism.

SOURCE The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property