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Friday, July 5, 2024 - 06:16 AM


First Published in 1994


Greenville GOP passed a resolution calling for a special emergency session for SC general assembly to protect the citizens of SC from Federal mandates.
Greenville GOP passed a resolution calling for a special emergency session for SC general assembly to protect the citizens of SC from Federal mandates.

Monday evening, November 22nd, Greenville GOP passed a resolution calling upon SC Gov. Henry McMaster, Speaker of the House Jay Lucas and Senate President Harvey Peeler to do all they can to call a special session (including but not limited to an emergency session), and demanding our Legislators pass legislation that will protect #WeThePeople from these unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

GCGOP Chairman Jeff Davis expressed the solidarity of the GCGOP Executive Board, who he said was 100% supportive for this initiative. After a few approved changes, the Executive Committee voted unanimously in favor of the resolution which calls on the General Assembly to be called into special session (including but not limited to an emergency session) and demand SC Legislators to pass legislation that will protect the citizens of South Carolina from unconstitutional vaccine mandates.

Immediately following the passing of the resolution, the county party had a press conference with local media which was open to everyone where many came up and stood behind the chairman in camaraderie to support the resolution during the press conference.

South Carolina Representative Bill Chumley and Representative Mike Burns spoke to the enthusiastic crowd in support for a special emergency session to pass anti-mandate legislation.

Pastor Mark Burns, candidate for 4th District Congressional seat spoke during the press conference.
Pastor Mark Burns, candidate for SC 4th District Congressional seat spoke during the press conference.

Pastor Mark Burns, who is running for 4th District Congressional seat where William Timmons currently is US Congressman, spoke to the crowd and media with his support of the resolution and the calling for a special emergency session to counter the recent federal mandates. He stirred the crowd into a unified voice against medical tyranny, vaccine apartheid, and governmental COVID Mandates.

Chad Caton from Myrtle Beach told the crowd that Horry County is watching Greenville County and sent a message to Gov. McMaster saying, “Do your job!” in which the crowd started to chant towards the media.

Chairman Jeff Davis added that he has had many other counties and their executive committeemen and their chairmen asking for the resolution that was just passed by GCGOP. He also reported that Laurens County got a copy of Greenville's resolution a day before it was voted on by its own Executive Committee and presented it at their meeting and passed it by 19 to 0.

Mark Lynch, owner of Jeff Lynch Furniture store, stated that it is 1776 again. He also stated that the Communists have used the Covid sickness as a weapon and that if our State Government does not do their job we will replace them. In which Jeff Davis responded, “Do your job or you will be replaced.”

You can watch the whole meeting and press conference at https://fb.watch/9sSgsRLgjs/.