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Friday, July 5, 2024 - 06:16 AM


First Published in 1994


Mark ScottCHARLESTON, WV – Last month, South Carolina graduate Mark Scott left office as President of Randolph County Commission to join West Virginia Governor Jim Justice’s cabinet in Charleston.

Gov. Justice appointed Mark Scott as Cabinet Secretary of the West Virginia Department of Administration. His appointment was effective on November 1, 2021.

Scott, who previously served as the president of Randolph County Commission, worked in the insurance business in north central West Virginia for 27 years before his retirement from the private sector.

“Mark is a very, very qualified man and I’m really confident that he’s going to bring some real ideas and real juice to the position and he’ll do a wonderful job,” Gov. Justice said.

Scott has acknowledged his responsbilities that come with his new position by recognizing 18 different divisions of government that he is responsible for. Some has to do with what he was already done, such as fleet management and building management. 

Scott told The Inter-Mountain  Newspaper, “In addition to that, insurance, so PEIA comes under my purview, also worker’s management. Also all the pension programs.


“And then, things you wouldn’t think about when you think about administration, things like the prosecutor’s institute. Also the public defenders are a part of that. Also general services, such as groundskeeping for government offices.

“In addition to that, there’s an aviation division, and the retirement board. Ethics Commission falls under administration, as does Equal Opportunity Employment,” he said.

“It’s pretty broad, “ Scott noted. “I have 18 executive directors to report to the deputy director and myself. It’s a big responsibility.

“I’m looking forward to helping the governor continue to advance what I feel has been a very, very prosperous time for the state,” he said. “Of course, COVID has set us back, but we’re on the right track, and I’m looking forward to helping the governor continue that.”

Scott stepped into the role following former Administration Secretary Allan McVey’s recent appointment as West Virginia Insurance Commissioner.

“Allan McVey was great as Secretary, too, and I’m thrilled we retained him as our Insurance Commissioner,” Gov. Justice said. “He continues to do fabulous work for us.”

Mary Jane Pickens continued serving as Acting Secretary of the Department of Administration until Scott’s appointment became effective.

As already mentioned, Scott served previously on the Randolph County Commission and was elected president in 2019 and 2021. He also worked for 27 years in the insurance business in north central West Virginia before retiring from the private sector.

Mark is originally from South Carolina where he grew up and eventually graduated from both Tabernacle Christian High School and Tabernacle Bible College, ministries of Tabernacle Baptist Church on White Horse Road in Greenville, SC.